An aspiring Software Engineer passionate about building user-centric, secure & scalable solutions that ultimately create a positive impact for the users.
Singapore Management University (SMU)Singapore
Pinned Repositories
SMU School of Computing and Information Systems ACE Program's Docker Workshop organized in collaboration with Govtech for the student body to learn from!
A one-stop class booking application built with a Microservices Architecture to manage a company’s class and user system, storing & displaying information for the classes and users via a catalogue page, along with a class reviewing functionality and a class recommendation feature for users based on their previously attended classes.
A one-stop class booking application built with a Microservices Architecture to manage a company’s class and user system, storing & displaying information for the classes and users via a catalogue page, along with a class reviewing functionality and a class recommendation feature for users based on their previously attended classes.
A one-stop job portal system with role-based access control (RBAC), allowing admins and HRs to create and manage job postings with their staff applications, considering factors such as the number of matching skills. Similarly, staff are able to browse, apply and manage all their job applications and possessed skills seamlessly on the platform.
This project aims to create a movie catalogue by fetching movie data from an external API, "http://omdbapi.com/apikey.aspx". It then displays the relevant movies' poster picture, title, along with its type (movie/series) specific to every returned show that fulfilled the initial user search.
A website built to help students with the overseas exchange application process by web scraping & consolidating the scattered information, along with originally designed & developed app's features such as user authentication, automated modules mapping, a review & favoriting system, & a nearby attractions locater, all made unique to every university
My first Developer Portfolio Website that documents my journey in the software engineering realm thus far! It showcases my relevant tech experience, projects, tech stacks, my developer timeline and relevant accomplishments thus far, a constant work in progress!
This Full-Stack Application (React and Springboot) was developed with the purpose of allowing a user to choose, run and compare the results of any 2 of our algorithms from our list of completed Tree Compression Algorithms that we have explored and implemented, comparing factors such as time taken and compressed image size and quality.
A one-stop Vendor & Form Management System that provides CRUD features for vendors, forms & for the interactions between them, with other features such as a form page design & creation from scratch, an automated email reminder service, coupled with curated dashboards that highlight key, calculated business insights throughout the business process.
A one-stop Vendor & Form Management System that provides CRUD features for vendors, forms & for the interactions between them, with other features such as a form page design & creation from scratch, an automated email reminder service, coupled with curated dashboards that highlight key, calculated business insights throughout the business process.
TeoSean00's Repositories
A one-stop job portal system with role-based access control (RBAC), allowing admins and HRs to create and manage job postings with their staff applications, considering factors such as the number of matching skills. Similarly, staff are able to browse, apply and manage all their job applications and possessed skills seamlessly on the platform.
My first Developer Portfolio Website that documents my journey in the software engineering realm thus far! It showcases my relevant tech experience, projects, tech stacks, my developer timeline and relevant accomplishments thus far, a constant work in progress!
A one-stop Vendor & Form Management System that provides CRUD features for vendors, forms & for the interactions between them, with other features such as a form page design & creation from scratch, an automated email reminder service, coupled with curated dashboards that highlight key, calculated business insights throughout the business process.
A one-stop Vendor & Form Management System that provides CRUD features for vendors, forms & for the interactions between them, with other features such as a form page design & creation from scratch, an automated email reminder service, coupled with curated dashboards that highlight key, calculated business insights throughout the business process.
A one-stop class booking application built with a Microservices Architecture to manage a company’s class and user system, storing & displaying information for the classes and users via a catalogue page, along with a class reviewing functionality and a class recommendation feature for users based on their previously attended classes.
A website built to help students with the overseas exchange application process by web scraping & consolidating the scattered information, along with originally designed & developed app's features such as user authentication, automated modules mapping, a review & favoriting system, & a nearby attractions locater, all made unique to every university
A one-stop class booking application built with a Microservices Architecture to manage a company’s class and user system, storing & displaying information for the classes and users via a catalogue page, along with a class reviewing functionality and a class recommendation feature for users based on their previously attended classes.
This project aims to create a movie catalogue by fetching movie data from an external API, "http://omdbapi.com/apikey.aspx". It then displays the relevant movies' poster picture, title, along with its type (movie/series) specific to every returned show that fulfilled the initial user search.
This Full-Stack Application (React and Springboot) was developed with the purpose of allowing a user to choose, run and compare the results of any 2 of our algorithms from our list of completed Tree Compression Algorithms that we have explored and implemented, comparing factors such as time taken and compressed image size and quality.
SMU School of Computing and Information Systems ACE Program's Docker Workshop organized in collaboration with Govtech for the student body to learn from!
This Full-Stack Application (React and Springboot) was developed with the purpose of allowing a user to choose, run and compare the results of any 2 of our algorithms from our list of completed Tree Compression Algorithms that we have explored and implemented, comparing factors such as time taken and compressed image size and quality.
Flask Hello World Example for Render