
Project in image inpainting.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

#Image Inpainting Project: ETH Computational Intelligence Lab 2015

This file describes matlab files that we used to obtain our results, together with instructions for how can they be reproduced.

I. File List

  • buildDictionary.m: Returns a prebuild matrix 'dictionary.mat' or builds a twice overcomplete DCT of supplied dimension if such matrix is not found

  • dictionary.mat: Our dictionary obtained with K-SVD algorithm

  • get_degrees: Takes image mask M in 2-D image form and counts for each pixel the number of its neighbours in mask

  • inPainting.m: Perform the actual inpainting of the image

  • OMP.m: Our implementation of the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit

  • overDCTdict.m: Computes overcomplete Discrete Cosine Transform of supplied dimensions

  • overlap_col2im.m: Recombines overlapping (d x d) patches into an image reconstruction weighting them by their signal-to-noise ration

  • overlap_im2col.m: Extracts (d x d) patches from image I after every 'overlap' pixels

  • peel_mask.m: Removes boundary pixel layer from the mask

  • SMP.m: Performs sequential mask peeling inpainting algorithm, as described in our paper

II. Reproducing results

Anyone wishing to reproduce our results should use the default parameter values specified in the files. To reconstruct a single channel image, one needs to perform the following. Represent the grayscale image as a matrix I in [0,1] range and get a binary mask matrix of size(I) with zeros at missing pixels. Now execute:

1. I_mask = I;
2. I_mask(mask == 0) = 0;
3. I_rec = inPainting(I_mask, mask);

The reconstructed image is single channel a matrix I_rec in [0,1] range of the same size as I.

III. Authors

Filippini Luca Teodoro, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail: fteodoro@student.ethz.ch

Porvaznik Michal, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzer- land. E-mail: pmichal@student.ethz.ch

Trujic Milos, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail: mtrujic@student.ethz.ch