#Image Inpainting Project: ETH Computational Intelligence Lab 2015
This file describes matlab files that we used to obtain our results, together with instructions for how can they be reproduced.
buildDictionary.m: Returns a prebuild matrix 'dictionary.mat' or builds a twice overcomplete DCT of supplied dimension if such matrix is not found
dictionary.mat: Our dictionary obtained with K-SVD algorithm
get_degrees: Takes image mask M in 2-D image form and counts for each pixel the number of its neighbours in mask
inPainting.m: Perform the actual inpainting of the image
OMP.m: Our implementation of the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
overDCTdict.m: Computes overcomplete Discrete Cosine Transform of supplied dimensions
overlap_col2im.m: Recombines overlapping (d x d) patches into an image reconstruction weighting them by their signal-to-noise ration
overlap_im2col.m: Extracts (d x d) patches from image I after every 'overlap' pixels
peel_mask.m: Removes boundary pixel layer from the mask
SMP.m: Performs sequential mask peeling inpainting algorithm, as described in our paper
Anyone wishing to reproduce our results should use the default parameter values specified in the files. To reconstruct a single channel image, one needs to perform the following. Represent the grayscale image as a matrix I in [0,1] range and get a binary mask matrix of size(I) with zeros at missing pixels. Now execute:
1. I_mask = I;
2. I_mask(mask == 0) = 0;
3. I_rec = inPainting(I_mask, mask);
The reconstructed image is single channel a matrix I_rec in [0,1] range of the same size as I.
Filippini Luca Teodoro, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail: fteodoro@student.ethz.ch
Porvaznik Michal, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzer- land. E-mail: pmichal@student.ethz.ch
Trujic Milos, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail: mtrujic@student.ethz.ch