
Ecole42 So_long

Primary LanguageC


Ecole-42 So_long project with a small physic engine and random map generator.


You have to input a map file from the ./maps/*.ber directory.

./so_long ./maps/1.ber

But you also can generate a random map via not inputting any .ber as argument.


You can use multi keys for move across your character. Like: W + D, S + A or arrow keys.


Works only in MacOS OpenGL framework. (miniLibX)

You can compile this project with make. If you want to compile bonus project, you can make make bonus or make b.

Normal game's executable file will appear as ./so_long, bonus game's executable file will appear as ./so_long_bonus.


Here's the arguments MAKE.bat and Makefile using:

b, bonus -> Compile bonus file ./so_long_bonus

fc, fclean, fclear -> Clear both object and created products.

c, clean, clear -> Clear only object files

re -> Remake everything


There is actually tons of stuffs in this projects.

Random Map Generator

Random map generator is using my favorite function ft_rand.

It generates a random map with a random size that's has random "player, exit" positions, randomly generated walls and coins.

ft_rand is creating a 8192 bytes array for nothing and gets it's address that was randomly generated in your RAM.

Converts it's address to a number (long long) via union structure keyword and using this address and a randomizer. Rest of the things like __TIME__ for just creating even more random numbers for some cases.

There is also a RMG_MAX_TROUBLE, it is a randomly generated map so it has a change to generate multiple maps taht impossible to solve.

So, I just created a limit value that's detecting if the map created 100 failed maps, then give a fail and exit from the game safely. (You can find all Random Map Generator constatnts in HERE.)


It is the easiest algorithm you can even seen.

It just fills the area like filling a bucked with water. You can find the prototype in HERE


I think I should get a patent for this lol

In HERE, I am deciding which wall should have which texture. As you see my wall textures are all specigic and it is really important for me.

So, I thought: Deciding a wall's location would be enough to set it in one byte.


We have one byte: 00000000, it has 8 bits as we see: 12345678

And let's think we choice a wall from a random map, like from this map:

#  # ########  E  #
#     #####  #    #
#  P    ###     # #
#              C  #

And I want to choice this wall:

#  # ########  E  #
#     #####  #    #
#  P    ##@<-   # #
#         ^    C  #

If we going to separate all bits to surrender this wall's surroundings, it will looks like that:

#  # ########  E  #
#     ###123 #    #
#  P    #4@5    # #
#        678   C  #

Coincidence? I think not!

Now, we can set all these bits as 1s and 0s. If the position is wall, it is going to be 1. Else, just 0.

#  # ########  E  #
#     ###110 #    #
#  P    #1@0    # #
#        000   C  #

And it is going to return: 11010000, that's means there should be water on the left up side of the texture.

That means 208 in decimal.

If also have to evaulate the facts of multi positioning:

110   110   111   111
1@0   1@0   1@0   1@0
000   100   000   100

That "corner" textrue must work on all of these types of positions.

So, we just simply use & for that:

if ((X & 219U) == 219U)
if ((X & 208U) == 208U)

Is this that simple? Yep.


Movement is easy. But soft movement... Well, you need math for that. And a variable type for fractional calculation. So we gonna use double! Yay! Cancer.

At movement2 example, I used lerp function to make the movement more smoother.

Instead of doing:

		if (vars->moving[0] == 1)
			vars->y -= PLAYER_SPEED;
		if (vars->moving[1] == 1)
			vars->x -= PLAYER_SPEED;
		if (vars->moving[2] == 1)
			vars->y += PLAYER_SPEED;
		if (vars->moving[3] == 1)
			vars->x += PLAYER_SPEED;

we are created target_x and target_y to make the character x and y smoothly flow at the target points:

		if (vars->moving[0] == 1)
			vars->target_y -= PLAYER_SPEED;
		if (vars->moving[1] == 1)
			vars->target_x -= PLAYER_SPEED;
		if (vars->moving[2] == 1)
			vars->target_y += PLAYER_SPEED;
		if (vars->moving[3] == 1)
			vars->target_x += PLAYER_SPEED;

		vars->x = ft_lerp(vars->x, vars->target_x, 0.02);
		vars->y = ft_lerp(vars->y, vars->target_y, 0.02);

You can assume 0.02 as friction during the floating.

And here ve go! We have a smooth movement like The Binding Of Isaac has!


That's easy. At movement3 example, we simply have cubes to make the movement has physics.

But how?

We created a custom struct:

struct s_barrier
	int		start_x;
	int		start_y;
	int		end_x;
	int		end_y;

We just simply control if the moving target coordinates are in the barrier coordinates. If it is, then don't move the target coordinates. And that's it.

Enemy AI

There is literally nothing in enemy AI. They are moving randomly in random directions. They are literally walking meats. XD