
This project provides a Python script that allows you to download YouTube videos in 1080p quality along with their subtitles using the yt-dlp library. The script can be run in either interactive mode, where users can input YouTube URLs one by one, or script mode, which uses a predefined list of URLs.

Primary LanguagePython

YouTube Video Downloader with Subtitles


This project provides a Python script that allows you to download YouTube videos in 1080p quality along with their subtitles using the yt-dlp library. The script can be run in either interactive mode, where users can input YouTube URLs one by one, or script mode, which uses a predefined list of URLs.


  • Downloads YouTube videos in 1080p quality.
  • Merges video and audio files.
  • Downloads and embeds VTT subtitles.
  • Checks for existing videos to avoid duplicate downloads.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/TeomanEgeSelcuk/Install-YouTube-Vids.git
    cd yt-video-downloader
  2. Set up the Conda environment:

    Create a Conda environment using the provided environment file.

    conda env create -f install_yt_vids_env.yaml
    conda activate install_yt_vids_env
  3. Install dependencies:

    Install additional dependencies using Poetry.

    poetry install


  1. Interactive Mode:

    In interactive mode, users can input YouTube URLs one by one. The script will prompt users to enter URLs and will download the videos and subtitles accordingly.

    python main.py

    When prompted, enter 1 to select interactive mode:

    Enter mode (1 for interactive, 2 for script): 1

    Then input YouTube URLs one by one, typing done when finished:

    YouTube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=example1
    YouTube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=example2
    YouTube URL: done
  2. Script Mode:

    In script mode, the script uses a predefined list of YouTube URLs to download videos and subtitles.

    python main.py

    When prompted, enter 2 to select script mode:

    Enter mode (1 for interactive, 2 for script): 2

    Edit the script_mode function in main.py to include your list of YouTube URLs:

    def script_mode(output_dir: str) -> None:
        youtube_urls = [
            # Add more URLs here
        for url in youtube_urls:
            if video_exists(url, output_dir):
                print(f"Video already exists: {url}")
            download_video(url, output_dir)
            download_vtt_subtitle(url, output_dir)

Project Structure

  • main.py: Contains the main script with functions to download videos, subtitles, and run in interactive or script mode.
  • install_yt_vids_env.yaml: Conda environment file to set up dependencies.
  • pyproject.toml: Poetry configuration file for managing dependencies and project settings.


download_video(youtube_url: str, output_dir: str) -> None

Download a YouTube video and save it as an mp4 file in the specified output directory.

Example usage:

download_video("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pSf9_MgsZ4", "/videos")

download_vtt_subtitle(youtube_url: str, output_dir: str) -> None

Download VTT subtitles for a YouTube video and save them in the specified output directory.

Example usage:

download_vtt_subtitle("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pSf9_MgsZ4", "/videos")

video_exists(youtube_url: str, output_dir: str) -> bool

Check if the video corresponding to the given YouTube URL already exists in the output directory.

Example usage:

video_exists("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pSf9_MgsZ4", "/videos")

interactive_mode(output_dir: str) -> None

Run the interactive mode where users can input YouTube URLs to download videos and subtitles.

Example usage:


script_mode(output_dir: str) -> None

Run the script mode where a predefined list of YouTube URLs are used to download videos and subtitles.

Example usage:




Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes.