- 4
バージョンを x.y.z 形式に変更
#447 opened by nmaya - 8
"Cannot open COM11. Not Found." "Tera Term: Error" when plugging in serial port
#452 opened by corero2 - 7
- 1
ヘルプファイル teratermj.chm のキーワードタブが文字化け・検索不能
#475 opened by kattyo-abk - 1
#471 opened by ttdoda - 12
Windows 11 で DPIの異なるディスプレイをまたいだ時表示がおかしくなる
#449 opened by zmatsuo - 6
telnet:// URLでの標準以外のポートの扱い
#470 opened by ttdoda - 0
#474 opened by nmaya - 0
#473 opened by nmaya - 0
Terminal 設定で色を入れ替える「Reverse」ボタンを改名する
#461 opened by nmaya - 0
#472 opened by ttdoda - 4
- 0
#469 opened by ttdoda - 0
#468 opened by ttdoda - 9
- 4
- 0
#446 opened by zmatsuo - 0
#445 opened by zmatsuo - 0
RGB での色指定シーケンスに対応する
#462 opened by nmaya - 1
Can not see selection text when you reverse color
#451 opened by renovictor - 1
tests/ のCyanとBright Cyanが同色に見える
#457 opened by nmaya - 0
#459 opened by nmaya - 0
#460 opened by nmaya - 0
Special (INI 直接編集) 設定から設定ダイアログに持ってくる項目
#458 opened by nmaya - 4
- 6
flush receive buffer before XMODEM send
#438 opened by zmatsuo - 3
- 0
#448 opened by nmaya - 22
Teraterm Key Verify Error
#434 opened by TeraTerm99 - 3
- 1
Does not see the com ports on a pc past 257 ?
#432 opened by Cyjodev - 1
Macro command for change RS232 transmit delay time
#437 opened by nmaya - 2
log dialog is not too big
#433 opened by renovictor - 9
- 0
Tera Term telnet invokes UAC prompt
#431 opened by Saxomania - 1
Inno Setup 6.4.0
#427 opened by nmaya - 1
Oniguruma 6.9.10
#414 opened by nmaya - 2
ZMODEM send "cancel" should send 8× CAN character
#415 opened by cmcqueen - 2
JumpList が Unicode に対応していない
#423 opened by zmatsuo - 4
#422 opened by kyokoi1979 - 0
#420 opened by zmatsuo - 3
cygterm がタイムアウトする
#417 opened by zmatsuo - 5
Send File の「Tera Term 4 と同じ方法で送信」
#404 opened by nmaya - 3
#402 opened by zmatsuo - 1
- 2
Send file ダイアログ、Logダイアログのボタンの並びを修正
#407 opened by zmatsuo - 2
- 14
Appveyor の画面表示が文字化けしている
#395 opened by sempreff - 2
- 1
Send in the same way as Tera Term 4 flag is missing form command line documentation
#396 opened by khalidtarek