
Dubo CLI is the Standard Tooling for Mobile Web Development.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dubo CLI is the Standard Tooling for Mobile Web Development.

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  • Use webpack@4 as bundler and integrate features of dynamic import, decorator, code-spliting.
  • Available to choose javascript or typescript as programming language.
  • Select vue and react as one of UI library.
  • Clearly structured directory.
  • Integrate font subsetting workflow in webpack.
  • Integrate upyun auto upload workflow in webpack.
  • Support service worker configuration.
  • Use node-gettext to implemente i18n plan.

📦 Install

npm install dubo-cli -g

🔨 Usage

Initialize one project:

$ dubo-cli init helloworld

And quickly create one page:

$ dubo-cli page user

Or quickly create one component:

$ dubo-cli component modal

Pull code from imgcook

dubo-cli pull <moduleid> [--path <path> <imgPath>]
  • moduleid is generated by imgcook when you saved your project.
  • path and imgPath. Optional, current path default, relative path.

🤜🏼 Structured directory

Take ts-react-scss for example, structured directory as follows:

├── build                                                 // webpack bundler file
   ├── config.js
   ├── constants.js
   ├── fontmin-webpack-plugin.js                           // customize font subsetting plugin
   ├── fontmin.txt                                         // what text do you want to subset
   ├── index.html                                          // template file
   ├── loaders.js                                          // loaders file
   ├── optimization.js
   ├── plugins.js                                          // plugins file
   ├── scripts                                             // customize scripts, use for detact assets variation
      ├── assets-hash.txt                                 // assets folder hash
      ├── fontmin-hash.txt                                // fontmin.txt hash
      └── index.js
   ├── upload.js                                           // upyun upload script
   ├── upyun-upload-webpack-plugin.js                      // upyun upload customize plugin
   ├── utils.js
   └── webpack.config.js
├── dubo.config.js                                          // dubo project configuration file
├── package.json
├── postcss.config.js
├── src
   ├── App.tsx                                             // component main entry
   ├── README.md
   ├── assets                                              // assets folder for font, img or media
      ├── font
      └── img
   ├── components                                          // components folder for common component or sub component
      └── @shared
   ├── constant
   ├── index.tsx                                           // app main entry
   ├── lib                                                 // customize library
   ├── locales                                             // i18n file
   ├── pages                                               // pages folder for page component
   ├── router.tsx                                          // router file
   ├── service-register.js                                 // service worker file
   ├── services                                            // network io
   ├── store                                               // state management
   ├── styles                                              // common style
   ├── sw.js
   ├── types                                               // typescript types file here
   └── utils                                               // utils library
├── tsconfig.json
└── tslint.json

dubo.config.js file use for configuration of App:

  fs = require('fs'),
  env = process.env.NODE_ENV,
  isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';

const STATIC_URL = '';

 * @warning baseConfig cannot be delete, use for dubo-cli to create new page or component
const baseConfig = {
  lang: 'ts',                                           // project language
  ui: 'react',                                          // project ui library
  preprocessor: 'scss'                                  // project preprocessor

const devConfig = {
  pwa: false,                                           // open pwa
  project: 'ts-react-scss' || 'dubo',                   // project name
  env,                                                  // enviroment variable
  assetsPath: '/src/assets/',                           // assets path
  distPublicPath: '/dist/',                             // build path
  sourceMap: true,
  openssl: false,                                       // use https
    webpack-dev-server 是否开启 https,具体本机生成证书方法和配置方法详见:
  https: {
    key: '',    // local https root secret
    cert: '',   // local https secret
    ca: '',     // local https certiciate

const prodConfig = {
  pwa: true,
  staticUrl: STATIC_URL,                                // cdn path
  assetsPath: STATIC_URL,
  distPublicPath: `/activity/${'ts-react-scss' || 'dubo'}/dist/`,
  sourceMap: false,
  bundleAnalyzerReport: false,                          // generate webpack bundleAnalyzerReport
  cdn: {                                                // upyun ftp account
    service: process.env.UPYUN_SERVICE || '',
    operator: process.env.UPYUN_OPERATOR || '',
    passwd: process.env.UPYUN_PASSWD || '',
    remoteFilePath: '',                                 // upyun ftp remote path
    filePath: ''                                        // upyun ftp local path

module.exports = isProd ? prodConfig : devConfig