Given tasks

Part 1

Part 2


Required software

  1. JDK 11
  2. maven
  3. sbt
  4. docker
  5. docker-compose


To build applications you need:

  1. In the root folder execute: mvn package and copy the package into the folder apps/dataloader.
  2. In the folder reader execute:sbt package and copy the package into the folder apps.
  3. Copy PostgreSQL JDBC driver into the folder apps.


Copy input files (zip) into output folder (./data/input).

Prepare image

Execute: docker build -t cluster-apache-spark:3.0.2

Start Spark cluster

Execute: docker-compose up -d

Run applications

  1. Connect to spark-master terminal and execute: cd /opt/apps/dataloader && java -cp ./dataloader-1.0.jar:/opt/apps/postgresql-42.2.22.jar com.github.terentich.adjust.dataloader.Main /opt/data/input ./
  2. Submit spark app: /opt/spark/bin/spark-submit --deploy-mode client --master spark://spark-master:7077 --conf spark.db.url=jdbc:postgresql://database:5432/ --conf spark.db.user=postgres --conf spark.db.password=password1234 --conf --total-executor-cores 1 --class com.github.terentich.adjust.pipeline.Main --driver-memory 2G --executor-memory 6G --jars /opt/apps/postgresql-42.2.22.jar /opt/apps/adjust-reader_2.12-1.0.jar