
Teresa. An AI based tool made by Python.

Primary LanguagePython

🤖An AI based tool made by Python.🤖


  • AI Chat with LLM.
  • ToolBox of life.
  • See your screen and understand the screen.
  • Have a cool outlook.(Based on QT)
  • Help you operate the system.

🛠️How to run

  • Run go to the Release to download exe version.(Windows)
  • First clone the repo, then "sudo chmod +x TeresaLinux.sh", at last "./TeresaLinux.sh"(You need a secret.ini in the running folder.)

⚗️How to build

  • Clone the repo.
  • Run "pip install -r spark_ai_python pillow websocket-client Credentials" to install modules.(Some moudle may need C++ compiler so you need have MSVC 2022 C++ x86 build tool and Windows 11 SDK)
  • Run teresa.py and have fun.
  • Use "pyinstaller --onefile --icon=logo.ico --paths LifeTool --add-data secret.ini:. --add-data logo.ico:. TeresaQT.py"(QT version) or "pyinstaller --onefile --icon=logo.ico --paths LifeTool --add-data secret.ini:. --add-data logo.ico:. Teresa.py"(Non-QT version) ---To have excusive file.



🙏Thanks to

VS code