Project setup

Requirements: VM + Vagrant installed

  1. vagrant up
  2. Accessible ->

FE code in this case do not support hot reload

In order to run FE in dev mode with hot reload support:
cd ./front-app
npm install
npm run dev

Alternative way

If you don't have/don't want to install requirements mentioned in first approach, you can simply use docker + docker-compose

In order to setup project: Open docker-compose.yaml and change to nginx host port from 80 to another one available(e.g. 8000)

Run commands step by step:
cd <project_dir> && docker-compose up -d
docker exec btt_php php composer.phar install
docker exec btt_php bin/console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair
docker exec btt_php bin/console --no-interaction doctrine:migrations:migrate

FE code in this case do not support hot reload

Initially you need to set localhost:<port_you_set_in_docker_compose> instead of in ./front-app/vite.config.js

In order to run FE in dev mode with hot reload support:
cd ./front-app
npm install
npm run dev