
trivial graal + scala 3

Primary LanguageScala

scala 3 + graalvm

This work is based on a helpful example: https://github.com/olofwalker/ting

We didn't configure any reflection, so you won't get very far with this setup until you figure that out.

See also:


Install graalvm JDK and graal's native-image.

sdk install java
sdk use java

gu install native-image

create executables

With graal:

sbt graalvm-native-image:packageBin

With sbt assembly:

sbt assembly

look at memory usage across the two impls

See "Maximum resident set size".

I got 6500 KB for graal vs 97348 KB for the assembly jar.

/usr/bin/time -v target/graalvm-native-image/hello-graal
/usr/bin/time -v java -jar target/scala-3.1.1/hello-graal-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar