
Simple tool for automating tasks for react-shower presentations

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple tool for automating tasks for Termina1/react-shower presentations.


npm install -g reshower


It can initialise new presentations for Termina1/react-shower, run some tasks for it and deploy result to Github Pages with one command.

With this tool you will have to store only presentation related things in your repository. Everything else is an npm dependency or just hidden gh-pages branch.


reshower init

Creates new presentation in current directory.

-b, --bare — create the very minimum template for new presentation, otherwise the whole example from https://shwr.me/ will be used.


mkdir my-pres && reshower init -b

reshower start

Starts local server for development (including hot reload, webpack and other stuff).

reshower build

Builds your presentation.

-d, --dest — output directory. Default: ./p.


reshower build -d ./p

reshower gh

Deploys your presentation to Github Pages. Automatically merges your current branch to gh-pages branch, builds presentation, commits changes and pushes them to remote. Works only if you have origin and remote repository.

-d, --dest — output directory for build command, means it will place index.html to this directory. Default: ./p,

-c, --comment — comment for new release. Default: new release.


reshower gh -d ./ -c "new slides"

Builds your presentation in the root directory of you repository.


All contributions are welcomed, just make a pull-request.