Laravel Myfatoorah

laravel myfatoorah is a php package written by Ayman Elmalah with laravel to handle myfatoorah functionality by making it's api more easy .


  • Creating invoices
  • Returning payments
  • Check that payment is success or not
  • Change the token on the fly
  • Refund invoice

Installation Guide

Composer installation

composer require ayman-elmalah/laravel-myfatoorah

The package is compatible with laravel ^6.0|^7.0|^8.0|^9.0 so you don't need to set providers or aliases for the package, we're using laravel auto discovery


To publish config run

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AymanElmalah\MyFatoorah\MyFatoorahServiceProvider"

and modify the config file with your own information. File is located in /config/myfatoorah.php

Get Your Credentials From Myfatoorah

  • Go to My fatoorah
  • You will get access token
  • Go to your .env file and paste your credentials to be like this
  • MYFATOORAH_MODE options ["test", "live", "live-sa"]

or you can add it using setAccessToken($token?)->setMode($mode?)

You are now ready to use the package

Test cards page

You can get test cards from DOCS

Usage examples

Create payment page

Route::get('payment', [\App\Http\Controllers\MyFatoorahController::class, 'index']);
Route::get('payment/callback', [\App\Http\Controllers\MyFatoorahController::class, 'callback']);
Route::get('payment/error', [\App\Http\Controllers\MyFatoorahController::class, 'error']);

At the controller, you can get the data from payment page at DOCS

use AymanElmalah\MyFatoorah\Facades\MyFatoorah;

public function index() {
     $data = [
       'CustomerName' => 'New user',
       'NotificationOption' => 'all',
       'MobileCountryCode' => '+966',
       'CustomerMobile' => '0000000000',
       'DisplayCurrencyIso' => 'SAR',
       'CustomerEmail' => 'test@test.test',
       'InvoiceValue' => '100',
       'Language' => 'en',
       'CallBackUrl' => 'https://yourdomain.test/callback',
       'ErrorUrl' => 'https://yourdomain.test/error',

// If you want to set the credentials and the mode manually.
//    $myfatoorah = MyFatoorah::setAccessToken($token)->setMode('test')->createInvoice($data);

// And this one if you need to access token from config
   $myfatoorah = MyFatoorah::createInvoice($data);

 // when you got a response from myFatoorah API, you can redirect the user to the myfatoorah portal 
 return response()->json($myfatoorah);

Get callback to check if success payment

public function callback(Request $request) {
   $myfatoorah = MyFatoorah::payment($request->paymentId);

   // It will check that payment is success or not
   // return response()->json($myfatoorah->isSuccess());
   // It will return payment response with all data
   return response()->json($myfatoorah->get());

Error page

public function error(Request $request) {
   // Show error actions
   return response()->json(['status' => 'fail']);

Refund payment

Route::get('reund', [\App\Http\Controllers\MyFatoorahController::class, 'refund']);

At the controller, you can get the data from payment page at DOCS

use AymanElmalah\MyFatoorah\Facades\MyFatoorah;

public function refund() {
     $data = [
       'KeyType' => 'invoiceid',     // can be invoiceId or PaymentId
       'Key' => '94272',             // key value like payment reference id, you can got it from the $request->paymentId in callback function 
       'RefundChargeOnCustomer' => false,
       'ServiceChargeOnCustomer' => false,
       'Amount' => 210,
       'Comment' => 'Refund',
       'AmountDeductedFromSupplier' => 0

   // If you want to set the credentials and the mode manually.
   // $myfatoorah = MyFatoorah::setAccessToken($token)->setMode('test')->refundInvoice($data);

   // And this one if you need to access token from config
   $myfatoorah = MyFatoorah::refundInvoice($data);

   // You can check the output
   return response()->json($myfatoorah);


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


  • If yo have any questions, issues or PRs feel free to contact me.