UPT Server Extension

Table of contents

  • Description
  • How To Use
  • References
  • License
  • Author Info


This project provides the backend for the Urban Performance and Suitability tools.

Main Technologies Used

  • Oskari
  • Maven

How To Use

This Oskari's server extension is intended to be used in an instance of oskari-server-v1.55.1, the oskari-server-v1.55.1 is available at https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-server/tree/1.55.1


  1. Build the UPT GUI project, following the instrucctions available in the readme file of the repository https://github.com/UPTechMX/UPT-GUI
  2. Clone this repository with the command git clone https://github.com/UPTechMX/UPT-Server-Extension
  3. Move to the newly created directory UPT-Server-Extension
  4. To compile the extension, execute the following command mvn clean install, after the compilation finishes, a war file(oskari-map.war) can be found in the directory UPT-Server-Extension/weebapp-map/target/.


  1. To proceed with the installation, the file oskari-map.war must be uploaded in to the Oskari's server diretory. The Oskari server have one direcotry called webapps that is the place where the file must be uploaded.

  2. Edit the file oskari-ext.properties located in the directory resources, the file have to be updated to register the addresses of the tools UPT Distance Module and the UPT UrbanPerformance

  3. The following lines must be added at the end of the oskari-ext.properties file. Just replace the variables(OSKARI_HOST,OSKARI_DATABASE_NAME,OSKARI_DATABASE_PORT,UPT_URBANPERFORMANCE_HOST,UPT_URBANPERFORMANCE_PORT,UPT_DISTANCE_MODULE_HOST,UPT_DISTANCE_MODULE_PORT) with the correct values

  4. Finally to register the UPT Server Extension into Oskari, register it using the name example. The registration is done in the same file oskari-ext.properties.

    db.additional.modules=myplaces, userlayer, example
  5. After all the previous steps, the only remaining step is to reboot the oskari server application so it will install the extension that have been registered.



  • SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
  • Copyright (c) 2020 CAPSUS S.C.


We acknowledge the invaluable support of the World Bank’s Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building (TFSCB) in making this project. This tool was conceptualized at City Planning Labs with the technical support from SITOWise. The tools were developed by CAPSUS and are maintained by UPTech and a community of developers.