Java Maven Project CI/CD Pipeline

This repository contains a GitLab CI/CD configuration for a Java Maven project. The pipeline is set up to build, test, and deploy the project. It consists of the following stages:

  1. Build: Compiles the code using Maven.

  2. Test: Runs unit tests and performs code linting.

  3. Deploy: Deploys the application (currently set to a staging environment).

Pipeline Configuration

The .gitlab-ci.yml file in this repository is used to define the pipeline configuration. It specifies the jobs and their execution order, as well as some environment variables and caching settings.

Environment Variables

  • MAVEN_CLI_OPTS: Configures Maven with batch mode.
  • MAVEN_OPTS: Sets the Maven local repository directory to $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.m2/repository for caching dependencies.

Cache Configuration

Caching is set up to speed up the pipeline by storing the Maven repository dependencies.

Stages and Jobs

  • Build Stage:

    • build-job: Compiles the code using Maven.
  • Test Stage:

    • unit-test-job: Runs unit tests and collects test reports.
    • lint-test-job: Performs code linting.
  • Deploy Stage:

    • deploy-job: Deploys the application (currently to a staging environment).


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.

  2. Modify the Java project in the my-app directory to suit your needs.

  3. Configure the .gitlab-ci.yml file to match your project's structure and requirements.

  4. Push your code to your GitLab repository.

  5. The GitLab CI/CD pipeline will be automatically triggered, and you can monitor the progress in the GitLab interface.

  6. After a successful pipeline run, the application will be deployed to the specified environment (staging in this case).

  7. You can customize the deployment stage to suit your production environment requirements.


  • Ensure that you have the necessary permissions and access to the GitLab repository.

  • If you encounter authentication issues, provide the correct GitLab credentials during the push to the remote repository.

  • Customize the pipeline stages and jobs as needed for your project.

  • Make sure to adapt the Maven commands, directories, and job scripts to match your specific project structure and requirements.

For more information on GitLab CI/CD, refer to the GitLab CI/CD documentation