Tainty Thing

Incredibly Formal And In Depth Research Project Completed Under The Direction Of The Illustrious James Mickens In Order To Further Our Universal Understanding Of Dynamic Taint Analysis. Copyright CS 263: Security Systems at Harvard College. All Rights Reserved.

Setup on OSX

Install llvm:

brew install llvm

Install Python 3.6 or higher

Optionally isolate your python environment with a tool like virtualenv:

  • Install: pip install virtualenv

  • Create: virtualenv venv

  • Activate: source venv/bin/activate

  • Deactivate: deactivate

Install python dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the interpreter

Generate a RISCV file

sh gen_riscv.sh file.c

If you get the error "llc: command not found" on OSX, you can probably fix it by adding /usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/ to your path:

echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

source ~/.bash_profile

Run the interpreter

python interpreter.py riscv_file program_args

Where riscv_file is the generated RISC-V assembly file.

Pickle files will be automatically generated in the folder pickle_cabinet.




Parses RISC binary. Tokenizes instruction-bearing lines. Stores file lines in '_data'. Stores tokenized instructions in '_instructions'.



Interpreter parses a RISCV file.

Executes the binary, tracking taint according to the dynamic policy (default policy is in policy.py)

  • main - handles arguments, sets up pickling, initializes interpreter, sets up policy
  • class RiscvInterpreter - Runs the program instruction by instruction, taking snapshots regularly.


Holds registers and memory. Converts instructions in blocks dictionary into instruction objects.

  • ABI_TO_REGISTER_IDX - Maps RISCV instruction names to enumerations.
  • class RiscvState - State metadata, an array for memory, and a dictionary for register state.


Defines an object representation for RISC-V instructions.

  • class RiscvInstr - Parses tokens and creates an object for executing instructions.
  • class RiscvOperand - Represents an abstract righthand side operand. Stores information relevant to classifying operand types (mem refs, consts, regs).
  • class MemoryReference - Abstraction for representing mem reference operands.

Taint Management


Defines object representations necessary to track and propagate taint.

  • class TaintTracker - provides taint tracking abstractions for instruction-level tracking. For each instruction encountered, propagates taint based on the user provided taint policy. Maintains shadow memory and shadow registers, which correspond to regs/mem in interpreter state.


A proof of concept showing our taint tracking interpreter is capable of uploading snapshots and executing them easily. This feature is essential for a dynamic taint tracking system, allowing the potential for increasing/decreasing taint policies mid-program execution.

  • Example Execution: python backtrack.py --pickle_path=

policy.py Defines the developer's taint propagation policy. A policy is a mapping of RISC-V instruction names as strings to a handler.

A handler is a function of 3 arguments, the taint tracker (defined in taint.py), the state of the interpreter (defined in state.py), and the operands object (defined in instruction.py)


Provides abstractions for plotting the change in register/memory taint across the execution of the program. Outputs generated graphs to the directory <pickle_jar_path>/data/ --memory_graph and --register_graph flags determine which graphs to generate.

  • class Analyzer - Uploads the snapshotted state from the specified pickle_jar.

  • Example Execution: analyzer.py --pickle_jar=<pickle_jar_path> --memory_graph --register_graph