
This tool will root your termux without superuser no root required note : it's not a absolute root it is a mini kali linux os running virtually on termux

Primary LanguageShell


This tool will root your termux without superuser no root required note : it's not a absolute root it is a mini kali linux os running virtually on termux:


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git clone https://github.com/TermuxHackz/RootMe

          > cd RootMe 
          > chmod 777 rootme.sh
          > bash rootme.sh  

choose your type of install

  1. Boot2Root
  2. JustRoot now it will automatically install all requirements and root your termux wait for a while it will install when it sucsessfully installed just restart your termux to become Root user or type root to become root user

use this tool for educational purpose only stay legal

Note: It's not a absolute root it is a mini kali linux os running virtually on termux and its a isolated eniroinment from your termux so you can trust this tool for installation. You can also run any tools that dosn't steal your data. Which is an safest method of rooting termux.