
Terrabio DAO primitive adapted from Tribute DAO framework.

Primary LanguageSolidity

TerraBio DAO

Version 0.1

Explications des choix techniques

Le framework TributeDAO a été choisie pour son architecture hexagonale limitant l'accès au centre de la DAO, à savoir les états de cette dernière (membres, fonds, ...). Le framework à été considérablement simplifié pour qu'il soit adapté à TerrabioDAO. Ainsi dans cette première version nous avons gardé :

  • DaoRegistry (appeler DaoCore) : sauvegardant les membres et les adresses des contrats autoriser (slots)
  • La distinction entre Adapters & Extensions avec les adaptateurs implémentant la logique et notamment les restrictions pour accèder aux fonctions des Extensions modifiant l'état de ceux-ci.

Nous avons retiré le système d'accès (ACL) basé sur des flags au profit d'une simple gestion de rôles pour les membres et d'un accès unique pour les contrats en charge de la modification des états.

Bien que ce framework permet un contrôle fin des accès aux états de la DAO, les logiques de restrictions sont dédoublées. En effet roles et slots sont utilisées pour filtrer les accès aux fonctions sensibles, les roles filtrent l'accès aux adapters et les slots filtrent l'accès aux fonctions modifiant les états.

La distinction entre adapters & extensions reste également floue, un adapter implémente la logique visant à accéder aux fonctions modifiant les états de la DAO. Cependant les extensions doivent également implémenter les fonctions modifiant l'état de la DAO, ainsi ces dernières stockent des états et implémentent les fonctions associées. Les extensions sont ainsi peu évolutives dans le temps et nécessitent des migrations des états en cas de modifications de la logique.


Make sure you have install Rust & Foundry

forge install
forge update

Then add .env file following .env.exemple:



Unit testing

Static analysis and workflows are described in test/

Run tests:

forge test

Add verbosity, -vv logs & reverts, -vvvv detailled traces:

forge test -vv

Match contract:

forge test --match-contract Agora

Match test:

forge test --match-test testSubmitProposal

Match allow specific filtering, running each tests containing "Slot" in DaoCore_test contract:

forge test --match-contract DaoCore --match-test Slot

Deploy and run scripts

System deployment is descirbed in script/

Run script locally

forge script logs

script/logs.s.sol is used to log any variables using forge-std/Test.sol. Can be useful to ABI-encode complex arguments.

Simulate system deployment script:

forge script deployer

The script run on local, it's useful to test the script.

This script deploy all contracts of the DAO at once, consider create another script to run more precise operation of deployment or contract interaction

Run scripts on local blockchain

Foundry provide a local blockhain like Ganache from Truffle, named Anvil

Start local blockchain:


Run the script with the RPC URL:

forge script deployer --rpc-url anvil

Running on anvil (or any RPC URL) give :

  • a gas estimation of transactions in the script
  • the list of transactions created with the script in broadcast/scriptName/chainId/run-latest.json

But do not send transactions to the blockchain

Running script on forked network

Tests and scripts can be runned on a forked network:

forge script deployer --fork-url goerli

Like running with an RPC URL, the script will estimate transaction gas cost and save transactions list.

Forked network can be manipulated with many parameters, see the documentation or run forge script --help and check EXECUTOR ENVIRONMENT CONFIG

Run on forked network at a past block number:

forge script deployer --fork-url goerli --fork-block-number 7999999

Can be useful to run again transactions and retrieve contracts.

Send transaction to the network

To send transaction on blockchain through RPC URL, you have to pass --broadcast argument.

⚠️ Carefully check and test your script before run a script with --broadcast on a non-local network

forge script deployer --rpc-url goerli --broadcast

Gas price and gas limit should set properly in the config or in the command.

⚠️⚠️ Running your script with --fork-url will also send transaction to the network

Interact with contracts with CLI

Foundry provide a tool, Cast, to interact with deployed contract on anvil or any forked network (you cannot send real transaction with Cast).

Run a blockchain locally:


Deploy your contracts:

forge script deployer --rpc-url anvil --broadcast

Then you can use Cast to call smart contract:

cast call 0xe7f1725E7734CE288F8367e1Bb143E90bb3F0512 "membersCount()"

Environment variables

To facilitate use of cast you can run:

forge script printEnv --chain anvil

This will create a file .anvil (network name) with contracts address just deployed. Address are stored in script/utils/anvil.json

Source your environment:

source .anvil

Then you can cast call more easily:

cast call $DAO "memberCount()"

Interact on any network

To interact with any network you can create a fork with anvil and cast transaction on it:

anvil --fork-url https://goerli.infura.io/v3/$INFURA_API_KEY

(Make sure you called source .env to load api key)

⚠️ Always run your script with --rpc-url anvil otherwise it send transaction to the network:

forge script deployer --rpc-url anvil --broadcast

Then you take variable from environment:

forge script printEnv --chain goerli
source .goerli

The script do not differentiate the forked network and the real one. => Need improvment

cast call $DAO "membersCount()"

💡 To get back address from a deployment, if you was the deployer (knowing the private key) you can simulate again the deployment:

forge script deployer --fork-url goerli --fork-block-number 7999948

Then source contracts:

forge script printEnv --rpc-url goerli
source .goerli

Verify contracts on explorer

To verify contracts your need first API KEY, depending on where you want to verify the contract, set in the .env

When deploying the contract

You can pass the --verify $ETHERSCAN_KEY argument at contract deployment, using forge create or a script.

❔ This method need to be tried. Some delay can occur with the explorer and make fail the process.

Verify a deployed contract

You need to get the constructor argument (if there is at least one) to submit a verification. You can construct it with Cast:

cast abi-encode "constructor(address)" $ADDRESS
cast abi-encode "constructor(address,address)" $ADDRESS1 $ADDRESS2

Assume you have sourced your environment with contract (and deployer, admins, ...) address:

forge verify-contract $AGORA Agora --chain goerli --constructor-args 0000000000000000000000003e8d55ec9aae810460d5e96050247 $ETHERSCAN_KEY --watch

The constructor argument is a bytes not prefixed with 0x.
$AGORA is the address of the contract
--watch wait until the contract is verified