
.Net library for working with any SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC)

Primary LanguageC#GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


.Net library for working with Spatio Temporal Asset Catalogs (STAC)

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DotNetStac helps you to work with STAC (catalog, collection, item)

In a nutshell, the library allows serialization/desrialization of STAC JSON documents (using Newtonsoft.JSON) to typed object modeling STAC objects with properties represented in enhanced objects such as geometries, time stamp/period/span, numerical values and many more via STAC extension plugins engine. Stac Item object is based on GeoJSON.Net feature.


Getting Started

Install package

$ dotnet add package DotNetStac

Deserialize and validate your first catalog

using Stac;
using Stac.Schemas;
using System;
using System.Net;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Schema;

var webc = new WebClient();
Uri catalogUri = new Uri("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/radiantearth/stac-spec/master/examples/catalog.json");
StacValidator stacValidator = new StacValidator(new JSchemaUrlResolver());

// StacConvert.Deserialize is the helper to start loading any STAC document
var json = webc.DownloadString(catalogUri);
bool valid = stacValidator.ValidateJson(json);
StacCatalog catalog = StacConvert.Deserialize<StacCatalog>(json);

Console.Out.WriteLine(catalog.Id + ": " + catalog.Description + (valid ? " [VALID]" : "[INVALID]"));

Learn more

A dedicated notebook is available to get started with all DotNetStac features. If you want to play directly with the notebook, you can Binder


An API documentation site is available at https://terradue.github.io/DotNetStac.


To ensure development libraries are installed, restore all dependencies

> dotnet restore src

Unit Tests

Unit tests are in the src/DotNetStac.Test folder. To run unit tests:

> dotnet test src