
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Universal Linked List

Universal linked list is decentralised image-board like format for threads hosted with IPFS.

Because of the way IPFS works, once threads are created, they will exist for as long as someone is hosting them.

Running an instance

To run an instance, you will need three things:

  1. An ipfs node
  2. The typescript compiler
  3. a relatively recent golang compiler

Then, running it is a matte of typing make build && make run. However, this method will use the default string (marmelade) for salting the tripcodes If you want to achieve better security, you will need to use another salt.

How it works

Each thread is an IPLD linked list-like data structure with messages as its nodes.

Data structure

Each message is a node with two items:

  • items is a pointer(CID) to a list of MessageItem

  • next is a pointer to the node before

This means that with only the hash/CID/pointer of the last message, it is possible to acquire the rest of the chain (assuming all messages are accessible through ipfs).

The content of each message is carried in a list of multiple MessageItem(those can be images, audio, timestamps, links, code blocks, etc.). The frontend can then render those however it likes.

A MessageItem is a structure composed of two parts:

  • type is a string, denotes data's type
  • data is pretty self explanatory. For a code block, it would be a {content: string, language: string} pair, for a tripcode, it would be a string, for an image, it would be a CID.

Structure of the app


Everything happens in frontend/front.ts. First, the page loads. Then, an ipfs node is created. If the ipfs extension is installed and window.ipfs is enabled, the application will use it. Otherwise, it will initialize a node on the browser. Then, the app will request from the backend the thread's hashes.

Each message hash will then be accessed and rendered using the IPFS node, following the chain until.

  1. A hash that has already been pulled is pulled again.
  2. The node's next field is null, we got to the beginning of the thread.

Internally, the application uses MessageView to synchronize this process with the relevant dom updates (this abstraction was created when we updated to an asynchronous way of showing the thread, so that messages that are cached can be shown more quickly). This logic lives in frontend/view.ts.

Displaying messages

The function itemToTag is the one that converts each MessageItem into an html tag that will then be inserted into the DOM.

Posting Messages

To post a message, a list of MessageItems in JSON format is sent to the backend. The backend can then deny the message and give a reason (a {error: string} object is sent back).

Turning the text area's content into a list of MessageItem

Q: If the server accepts a structure and the user enters text, how is it converted from one into the other?

A: By a filthy hack that uses regular expressions and recursion (see frontend/types.ts)

This means that, while it is very easy to add a new MessageItem type (add a parser and a constructor with the good structure, then write the necessary itemToTag branch), it is impossible to create nested structures and one must be careful not to embed into patterns triggers for items with a greater parsing precedence (e.g., inserting any ` into a code block). No escaping system has been implemented yet.


The backend is very light as it does only a couple of simple things:

  1. accept, filter and ipfs.add new messages
  2. salt&hash the tripcode items
  3. serve the hashes back.