
'wsse:FailedAuthentication - Profile accrual is required

Opened this issue · 8 comments

'wsse:FailedAuthentication - Profile accrual is required

Either your account doesn't meet the requirements noted in #65 (comment), or your account is locked pending click-through of an interstitial page. In any case, the new login flow isn't released yet so keep discussion in #65 as originally requested.

From #65:

That's all the info we get from upstream, so it's hard to say. 🙁 Sounds like it's probably worth reopening and tracking on #141 if there are more limitations than we know of so far. I have one remaining test account with no MS link which produces that error, and two linked accounts which both login fine, so I can't repro it here.

I am getting "Profile accrual is required" with my linked account. If I enable two-factor authentication and set up an app password, login attempt with the original password gives "wsse:FailedAuthentication - Authentication Failure", and with the app password it's again giving the "Profile accrual is required" error.

Is there any more information I could give that would be useful here?

If this is an an ex-Skype account with an old username, have you tried using both the Skype username and the associated Microsoft account email address / phone number as the login username?

There are similar account issues being reported near the end of EionRobb/skype4pidgin#656, with a few potential solutions.

If this is an an ex-Skype account with an old username, have you tried using both the Skype username and the associated Microsoft account email address / phone number as the login username?

Yes it's an original Skype account. Trying with the associated e-mail address made no difference, still "Profile accrual is required".

There are similar account issues being reported near the end of EionRobb/skype4pidgin#656, with a few potential solutions.

Well! This suggestion worked for me - enabling Outlook for my account. That resulted in the e-mail address becoming the primary alias for the account, and skpy login now works, both with skypename and e-mail.

So apparently the new requirement is that the primary alias needs to be an e-mail, with skypename becoming deprecated.

I get an error message:

skpy.core.SkypeAuthException: ('wsse:FailedAuthentication - Authentication Failure', <Response [200]>)

But the message is being sent to the chat.

sk = Skype('email', 'password') # connect to Skype
ch = sk.chats.chat('chat_id")
ch.sendMsg("Some message")

Using online version of Skype. At the same time, the desktop version is installed on ubuntu 19.10.

Have you tried any of the solutions on the issue linked above?

But the message is being sent to the chat.

You can't do anything until you're authenticated with a registration token, so I don't know what that means.

Have you tried any of the solutions on the issue linked above?

Set email as the main login alias.

You can't do anything until you're authenticated with a registration token, so I don't know what that means.

Sorry, there was an error in the code - an attempt was made to log in twice with different passwords.