
Sort local files in MacOS, Windows, and Linux by selecting parameters applied to a single folder of choice. Each file will be moved and sorted based on your parameters.

Primary LanguagePython


A GUI that allows the user to sort batches of files. One click, and boom, your entire downloads folder is sorted to file locations based off your parameters

*This was build with the intent for Mac, Multiplatform will be built in automatically but not tested until after Beta!

Step 1: Launch the Application

Step 2: Choose a list of parameters you want to sort by (File Type, Name, Date created, etc.)

Step 3: Select the containing folder (This loads all the files in the folder into the GUI)

Step 4: Click Run - The sorter will start sorting your files based off the parameters you chose in step 2. It will generate a a display of where the files went to the bottom display. You can click on the locations to see the files.

  • Click the Fixbug Option if a file was sorted improperly