Using QR (Quick Response) code as your delivery Australian Postal Address
Do you know what happen after you send a parcel over counter in Post shop, or put a Xmas greetings card in mailbox?
The journey of your parcels and letters starts in a collection hub which they are ready transport to one of five major Mail / Parcel Centres around Australia. In these centres, either use barcode already printed on mail or parcel, or OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology, scanning and converting Postal Address to DPID (Delivery Point IDentifier), then send to the large mail / parcel sorting machine, sort them automatically.
Postal Address is easy to read and understand to human but not to sorting machines. A unique 8-digit number, known as DPID, mapping each unique, physical address in Australia is the essential core solution for Post can quickly and accurately know what address to deliver.
ADAM ATLAS is the source of 28 millions Postal Addresses and mapped DPID. This application processes and generates Postal Address File (PAF), sends to Mail / Parcel centres, and use these data for Postal Address converting and sorting.
However, in this perfect world there are still percentage of mail and parcel delayed or undelivered due to postal addresses are not addressed properly, or part of the addresses are missing, or physical delivery addresses are no longer exists ...
QR as Postal Address tries to solve this issue.
QR as Postal Address searches SAME real time address data used in Mail / Parcel centres, verify input Postal Address, finds matched address and generates a QR code with DPID, Addressee and Postal Address in it.
This service potentially could be used by anyone who wants to benefit from Australia Post country wide service. There is no registration, no login required, no private questions asked, and it's free. Go online, input postal address, generate QR code, print on a label, stick label on parcels or letters, and send.
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