Frameworks are primarily a tool for structuring your thoughts, not your code.
Learn once, write everywhere. Write once, run everywhere.
ReactJS’s declarative views with a straightforward and elegant architecture that brings some of the best ideas of software engineering theory:
Immutable Global State
Functional Programming
Event Sourcing
CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation)
into the web development mainstream.
Cloud Native CQRS
Why should you use smaller components like the view-only library react (with some event module like flux) over a full-fledged MVC framework like angular?
Small components usually do one thing very well
There will never be a perfect framework so you can just hack the most relevant features together using npm
Small libraries have simple documentation and they are easy to set up and use
Any problems and there’s no waiting for the next release of the entire framework, you simply throw up an issue, the authors fix it, push it and then bam it’s on npm for everyone else and no other components have been disturbed
If you find you don’t like the templating language or error handling, you don’t have to rethink the entire project, you just hot-swap the component for another and you’re on your way again
By using small libraries – components with a dedicated purpose and a small surface area – it becomes possible to pick and mix, to swap parts of our front end stack out if and when they are superseded
New projects can replace only the parts that matter, whilst core functionality whose designs are settled – routing APIs, say – can stay exactly the same between the years
You can move your legacy projects to new technologies incrementally, rather than rewriting everything, providing you stick to good practices and wrap those libraries carefully
When different problems are answered by different libraries, their solutions can compete directly. If Framework A does X well and Y badly, compared to Framework B’s great Y and shaky X, you’re stuck. But if Library A and B both try and do X, they can compete in a direct fashion in discrete and measurable ways
Last but not least, if something goes wrong, fail fast, fail early
The end of Model-View-Controller (MVC) - Introduce Flux architecture
A unidirectional data flow
No two-way data bindings that lead to cascading updates
When updates can only change data within a single round, the system as a whole becomes more predictable
ReactJS focuses a lot on treating code as a black box so there is no sort of observable abstraction inside.
AngularJS basically passes data throughout scope as observable data model which is a very leaky abstraction and it forces to compose application not in terms of functions and objects but in terms of directives and AngularJS’s model-view-controller. As applications scale up, it starts to miss the past 40, 50 years research on how to abstract the program.
If move AngularJS data bindings out of the edges of system, the application is likely to have a fast reaction time.
MVC is dead – what comes next?
React Ajax Best Practices,
Getting Started With React Redux: An Intro,
React Developer Tools,
JetBrains IDE Support,
WebStorm Using JetBrains Chrome Extension,
Big Data, ElasticSearch and Visualization,