run application:
: single page dash
:multiple page
started work with sales data.
converted sql fiel to sqlite for ease of access with python. (better way?). installed and played with mysql via command line.
command line -> sudo mysql
to access local sql dump file:
mysql > CREATE DATABASE >name<
mysql > use >name<
mysql > source /filepath/>name<.sql
to convert sql to sqlite3 for ease of use: converter
cd -> utilites/mysql2sqlite
terminal -> ./mysql2sqlite dump_mysql.sql | sqlite3 mysqlite3.db
created fucntion that converts sql tables to panda dataframes then stores those dataframes in a dictionary to ease of access.
add conda env to kernal python -m ipykernel install --user --name <name of env?> --display-name "<name of kernal>"
to get it running i ran into several errors. one being a time out error but the command git config http.postBuffer 524288000
another error was the pathing from the procfile to the application. ( i didnt use create_app() this time, maybe that was my problem?)
pushing to heroku as follows:
heroku create -n name
git init
git add .
git commit -m "comment"
git push origin main
git push heroku main
also created allies script to add commit and push to with git git cmp "comment"
docker build -t <image name>:latest .
docker run -it <image name>
docker stop <container id>
run flask app from local container:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 <image name>
make new app and push image to heroku:
heroku create <app name>
heroku container:push web --app <app name>
heroku container:release web --app <app name>
can update image with
heroku container:push web --app <app name>
heroku container:release web --app <app name>
merge all data -
- company data
- month
- year
plotyl dash? -
look into making plots by yearly distrobution
pages by type