
Blueprint tool for Dyson Sphere Program

Primary LanguageRust

This is a Dyson Sphere Program blueprint tool.


  • Dump blueprint to a JSON file.
  • Undump a blueprint back.
  • Print blueprint info.
  • Replace items/recipes (partial).

Binary releases

Check the Releases tab. For Windows, grab dspbp.exe. For linux, dspbp.


Windows users: dspbp is a commandline tool. To use it do the following:

  • Start powershell.
  • Navigate to where you downloaded dspbp. If it's your Downloads folder, run this:
    cd $HOME\Downloads
  • Run ./dspbp.exe help, go from there.

Linux users: same deal, but you probably already know how to use the terminal. Start with dspbp help, go from there.



  • Better support for replacing things:
    • Belt labels!
    • Inserter / splitter filters!
    • Traffic monitors, I guess?
  • Changing blueprint info like description and icons.
  • Prettier error handling, eventually.
  • More blueprint edit actions, maybe?
  • A library interface. Maybe someone will want to use it as wasm?