Stately Hyland Apiaries

Stately Hyland Apiaries LLC is a small beekeeping business located in Northeastern New Jersey. This site is the businesses online presence to sell their products and keep customers up to date with periodic blog posts.

  • Blog posts are authored in a self-hosted Sanity Content Studio.
  • Written in Typescript for improved tooling and error handling.
  • A website built using Next.Js, utilizing static generation render each page at build time.
  • Leverages the Stripe API to manage product information including images, prices, descriptions, categories and more, along with handling payment processing and invoicing.
  • Uses MDX to author blog posts allowing the use of JSX inside Markdown to create dynamic content.
  • Styled using TailwindCSS with a mobile-first design approach using almost entirely custom built components.
  • Boasts a shopping cart whose contents persist across sessions, using the browsers local storage and React Context to manage global state.