- adezeStratigraph
- ajturnerEsri
- alamsal
- AlexGilleran@siteminder-au
- AndrewWise22
- bielfrontera@socib
- chris-beerAustralian Bureau of Statistics
- crabmusketSydney, Australia
- danmorrisonPwC Australia
- dhalfordUtility
- edx903@geointcn
- geonuxCS Group
- jbddJBDD
- jprivacobaGeoMonitoring
- kellpossibleGeorgia
- kevind7
- khanhfumaster@trello, @atlassian, @syrinaudio
- ltiao@Facebook
- mcanthonyDΞFCONCΞPTS
- mmjamal
- moskvaxSydney
- peterMaaesriChina(Beijing)
- richardbennell
- rumicuna
- sabman@decision-labs
- sgpinkusAustralia
- ssilcot
- theatlasroomMelbourne
- ThomasG77WebGeoDataVore
- ththompsonYes
- tobybellwood@amazeeio
- willbreitkreutzU.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- WongadDepartment of Education
- x-Code-xCode X Web Services
- xtmwang