
Ansible playbook used for installation of essential development and general use software

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Build status

  • Ansible playbook used for installing and configuring software after a system installation
  • The playbook should be run as root user (-K flag) and the user name of the non-root user should be passed as an extra argument or defined in defaults/main.yaml.


  • OS: Ubuntu 23.04. (tested with Kubuntu 23.04)
  • Software: ansible
  1. Install ansible sudo apt install -y ansible unzip
  2. Check if the installation was correct by running ansible --version

It should print out something similar to this this:

ansible 2.10.8
  config file = None
  configured module search path = ['/home/gninkovic/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ansible
  executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.10.12 (main, Nov 20 2023, 15:14:05) [GCC 11.4.0]

How to run

Clone this repo, enter the directory and run the following command

wget https://github.com/TerrorSquad/ansible-post-installation/archive/refs/heads/master.zip \
&& unzip master.zip \
&& cd ansible-post-installation-master

Install all software

ansible-playbook ./playbook.yml -K -e username=$(whoami) -e=all=true

If you want to change your git user.email and git user.name, pass the git related extra arguments

ansible-playbook ./playbook.yml -K -e=all=true -e username=$(whoami) -e "git_user_email='your@email.com'" -e "git_user_name='Your Name'"

If you want to only install CLI tools, run the following command

ansible-playbook ./playbook.yml -K -e username=$(whoami)

If you want to also install GUI tools, run the following command

ansible-playbook ./playbook.yml -K -e username=$(whoami) -e=gui=true -e=dev_tools_gui=true


  • -e all=true - Installs everything.
  • -e dev_tools_gui=true - Installs developer tools from dev_tools_gui.yaml.
  • -e gui=true - Installs general tools from general_use_software_gui.yaml.
  • -e gestures=true - Installs general tools from libinput_gestures.yaml.
  • -e rust=true - Installs Rust from rust.yaml.
  • -e golang=true - Installs Golang from golang.yaml.
  • -e java=true - Installs SDKMan from java.yaml.
  • -e git_user_email="your@email.com - Sets git user.email config value.
  • -e git_user_name="Your Name - Sets git user.name config value.
  • username - defined in defaults/main.yaml - can be overridden. Sets the username of the user for who the configuration should happen.
  • -K - flag used to ask for root password. Required mostly for installing apt packages and updating apt repositories.

What's installed

ZSH and antidote with sane defaults

Development software

  • JetBrains Toolbox
  • bat
  • bottom
  • broot
  • btop
  • code (Visual Studio Code)
  • curl
  • curlie
  • dbeaver-ce
  • delta
  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • duf
  • dust
  • eza
  • fd
  • gh
  • git
  • git-quick-stats
  • gitkraken
  • gping
  • graphviz
  • guake
  • htop
  • httpstat
  • hyperfine
  • jq
  • kcachegrind
  • lazydocker
  • libutempter0
  • lnav
  • make
  • oha
  • postman
  • python3-pip
  • redshift
  • redshift-gtk
  • rg
  • ripgrep
  • sd
  • sdkman
  • shellcheck
  • sublime-text
  • terminator
  • tokei
  • volta with latest nodejs
  • xh

General use software

  • bleachbit
  • fd
  • flameshot
  • fzf
  • google chrome
  • httpie
  • libinput-gestures
  • mailspring
  • ncdu
  • nvim
  • onlyoffice-desktopeditors
  • openconnect
  • papirus-icon-theme
  • peco
  • rescuetime
  • skype
  • slack
  • thefuck
  • tixati
  • unified remote
  • unzip
  • variety
  • viber
  • vim
  • vlc
  • zip
  • zoom

Additional window manager - i3


  • Hack Mono Nerd Font
  • Fira Code Nerd Font
  • Fira Mono Nerd Font
  • Roboto

Testing - Vagrant

In here you will find a Vagrantfile and a playbook_vagrant.yml files. These two are set up for working with Vagrant and testing the configuration.

  • Install Vagrant

    sudo apt install -y vagrant virtualbox
  • Create a Vagrant box and provision it

    vagrant up --provision
  • Force destroy and recreate the box

    vagrant destroy --force && vagrant up --provision

Vagrantfile will use playbook_vagrant.yml file as the Ansible entrypoint. Box name ubuntu/mantic64 - https://app.vagrantup.com/ubuntu/boxes/mantic64