
Use this repo to quickly create a working environment for your Magento 2 project. The idea is to clone this repo and put your magento 2 source code into the src directory.

Below you will find the required steps to set up everything.

Quick install

  • First you need to clone this repo. Use the one-liner below to do it.

    Change MAGENTO2 to the name of your project

    curl -s | bash -s MAGENTO2 clone
  • Open the directory you just cloned

  • Clone your Magento 2 source code into the src directory.

    It doesn't exist intially. You will create it.

    git clone YOUR_URL_HERE src
  • Copy the provided env.php file

    cp config/env.php src/app/etc
  • (OPTIONAL): Edit the config/nginx/default.conf and config/nginx/nginx.conf files

    You might want to add mappings to the default.conf

    Or to enable/disable certain endpoints in nginx.conf

  • Start the docker containers

  • Install composer packages

    bin/composer install
  • Import your database

    bin/mysql-root < dump.sql

    We using root user here instead of the regular magento user because many Magento 2 dumps have DEFINER root in them, which prevents regular users from importing.

  • Set the default Magento 2 Base URLs


    This file will simply run the query found in the config/sql/set_default_website.sql Feel free to change the name to whatever you want. Default is magento.test

  • Run setup:upgrade.

  • IMPORTANT: Run this only after composer finished installation and database finishes importing.

    bin/magento setup:upgrade

You should now see your website available at https://magento.test


There are many helpers scripts in the bin directory. Check them out to see what they do.

You should run all scripts from the root repository directory. Do not enter bin. Simply run bin/bash for example for start a bash session inside the php container.

  • bin/start - brings all containers up
  • bin/stop - brings all containers down
  • bin/restart - stops and starts the containers
  • bin/bash - starts a bash session inside the phpfpm container
  • bin/cli - allows execution of any command under bash inside the container without entering the container. e.g. bin/cli php -v
  • bin/mysql - starts a mysql session inside the db container