
Node.js document generator module for my flavor of Doc comments....

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Document Generator For My Flavor Of Comments

You will most likely never need this in your life.....

Build Status

My Comment Style:

/**/// Public: function_name
/**/// Args
/**/// arg1   - the_arg_value
/**/// arg2   - the_arg_value
/**/// Returns
/**/// return - the_return_value
/**/// Notes
/**/// note   - note_about_the_function
/**///          notes_can_be_multiline


npm install terrorparser


var TerrorParser  = require('terrorparser')
// assume its being used in an express site
 * POST home page.
app.post('/', function(req, res) {
  var postData = ''
  req.addListener("data", function(postDataChunk) {
    postData += postDataChunk
  req.addListener("end", function() {
    console.log('[ POST EVENT RECEIVED ]')
    var data = TerrorParser(postData)
    // Now you have a array of parsed objects stored in the data var
    // If there were no TerrorDoc headers data will = null

The Actual Return Array Of TerrorParser's index.js:

[ { privPub: 'Private',
    name: 'startsWith',
     [ 'str      - string to test against',
       'pattern  - string pattern to check at beginning of str' ],
    ret: 'return   - boolean value of pattern match result',
    notes: '' },
  { privPub: 'Private',
    name: 'buildParsed',
     [ 'lines  - array of all lines',
       'pos    - array of positions that lines contains the pattern' ],
    ret: '',
    notes: 'note   - fills docList array by building section objects based on parsing         rules' },
  { privPub: 'Private',
    name: 'parser',
    argList: [ 'str  - string value of the entire file contents' ],
    ret: '',
    notes: 'Note - parses each line for TerrorDoc pattern and sends matching lines       to buildParsed' },
  { privPub: 'Public',
    name: 'TerrorParser',
    argList: [ 'fileContents - string of the read file' ],
    ret: 'return       - docList containing section objects',
    notes: '' }


npm install
npm test


  • Q: Why not just use JsDoc?

  • A: I didn't know it existed before I started using my style...... I'm new....

  • Q: Do I need this?

  • A: No. Not unless you happen to think my /**/// is pretty sweet looking like I do....
