
Easy datasheet management for C# and Unity. Supports Excel, Google Sheet, JSON and CSV format.

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Easy datasheet management for C# and Unity. Supports Excel, Google Sheet, JSON and CSV format.


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BakingSheet's core concept is controlling datasheet schema from C# code, make things flexible while supporting multiple sources like .xlsx or Google sheets. Also, it helps to avoid having source datasheet files or parsing libraries for production applications. BakingSheet supports JSON serialization by default.

First Step

BakingSheet manages datasheet schema as C# code. Sheet class represents a table and SheetRow class represents a record. Below is example content of file Items.xlsx. Also, any column starts with $ will be considered as comment and ignored.

Id Name Price $Comment
ITEM_LVUP001 Warrior's Shield 10000 Warrior Lv up material
ITEM_LVUP002 Mage's Staff 10000 Mage Lv up material
ITEM_LVUP003 Assassin's Dagger 10000 Assassin Lv up material
ITEM_POTION001 Health Potion 30 Heal 20 Hp
ITEM_POTION002 Mana Potion 50 Heal 20 Mp

Code below is corresponding BakingSheet class.

public class ItemSheet : Sheet<ItemSheet.Row>
    public class Row : SheetRow
        // use name of matching column
        public string Name { get; private set; }
        public int Price { get; private set; }

Note that Id column is already defined in base SheetRow class.

To represent collection of sheets, implement SheetContainerBase class.

public class SheetContainer : SheetContainerBase
    public SheetContainer(Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger logger) : base(logger) {}

    // use name of each matching sheet name from source
    public ItemSheet Items { get; private set; }


Converters are simple implementation import/export records from datasheet sources. These come as separated library, as it's user's decision to select datasheet source. User can have converting process, to convert datasheet to other format ahead of time and not include heavy converters in production applications.

BakingSheet supports four basic converters. They're included in .unitypackage as well.

Package Name Format Supports Import Supports Export
BakingSheet.Converters.Excel Microsoft Excel O X
BakingSheet.Converters.Google Google Sheet O X
BakingSheet.Converters.Csv Comma-Separated Values (CSV) O O
BakingSheet.Converters.Json JSON O O

Below code shows how to convert .xlsx files from Excel/Files/Path directory.

// pass logger to receive logs
var sheetContainer = new SheetContainer(logger);

// create excel converter from path
var excelConverter = new ExcelSheetConverter("Excel/Files/Path");

// bake sheets from excel converter
await sheetContainer.Bake(excelConverter);

Save and Load Converted Datasheet

Below code shows how to save and load converted json.

// create json converter from path
var jsonConverter = new JsonSheetConverter("Saved/Files/Path");

// save as json
await sheetContainer.Store(jsonConverter);

// later, load from json
await sheetContainer.Bake(jsonConverter);

You can extend JsonSheetConverter to customize serialization process.

Accessing Row

Below code shows how to access specific ItemSheet.Row.

var row = sheetContainer.Items["ITEM_LVUP003"];

// Assassin's dagger

// loop through all rows
foreach (var value in sheetContainer.Items.Values)

Using Non-String Column as Id

Any type can be used value can be also used as Id. This is possible as passing type argument to generic class SheetRow<TKey> and Sheet<TKey, TRow>. Below is example content of file Contstants.xlsx.

Id Value
ServerAddress https://github.com/cathei/BakingSheet
InitialGold 1000
CriticalChance 0.1

Below code shows how to use enumeration type as Id.

public enum GameConstant

public class ConstantSheet : Sheet<GameConstant, ConstantSheet.Row>
    public class Row : SheetRow<GameConstant>
        public string Value { get; private set; }

Using Post Load Hook

You can override PostLoad method of Sheet, SheetRow or SheetRowElem to execute post load process.

Below code shows how to convert loaded sheet value dynamically.

public class ConstantSheet : Sheet<GameConstant, ConstantSheet.Row>
    public class Row : SheetRow<GameConstant>
        public string Value { get; private set; }

        private int valueInt;
        public int ValueInt => valueInt;

        private float valueFloat;
        public float ValueFloat => valueFloat;

        public override void PostLoad(SheetConvertingContext context)

            int.TryParse(Value, out valueInt);
            float.TryParse(Value, out valueFloat);

    public string GetString(GameConstant key)
        return Find(key).Value;

    public int GetInt(GameConstant key)
        return Find(key).ValueInt;

    public float GetFloat(GameConstant key)
        return Find(key).ValueFloat;

Note that properties without setter are not serialized. Alternatively you can use [NonSerialized] attribute.

Using List Column

List columns are used for simple array.

Id Name Monsters:1 Monsters:2 Monsters:3 Items:1 Items:2
public class DungeonSheet : Sheet<DungeonSheet.Row>
    public class Row : SheetRow
        public string Name { get; private set; }

        public List<MonsterSheet.Reference> Monsters { get; private set; }
        public List<ItemSheet.Reference> Items { get; private set; }

Use it as simple as just including a column has type implmenting IList<T>. Since spreadsheet is designer's area, index on sheet is 1-based. So be aware when you access it from code.

Using Dictionary Column

Dictionary columns are used when key-based access of value is needed.

Id Name Texts:Greeting Texts:Purchasing Texts:Leaving
NPC001 Fat Baker Morning traveler! Thank you! Come again!
NPC002 Blacksmith G'day! Good choice. Take care.
NPC003 Potion Master What do you want? Take it already. Don't come again.
public enum Situation

public class NpcSheet : Sheet<NpcSheet.Row>
    public class Row : SheetRow
        public string Name { get; private set; }

        public Dictionary<Situation, string> Texts { get; private set; }

Use it as simple as just including a column has type implmenting IDictionary<TKey, TValue>.

Using Nested Type Column

Nested type columns are used for complex structure.

Id Name Texts:Greeting Texts:Purchasing Texts:Leaving
NPC001 Fat Baker Morning traveler! Thank you! Come again!
NPC002 Blacksmith G'day! Good choice. Take care.
NPC003 Potion Master What do you want? Take it already. Don't come again.
public struct SituationText
    public string Greeting { get; private set; }
    public string Purchasing { get; private set; }
    public string Leaving { get; private set; }

public class NpcSheet : Sheet<NpcSheet.Row>
    public class Row : SheetRow
        public string Name { get; private set; }

        public SituationText Texts { get; private set; }

Note that the content of datasheet is just same as when using Dictionary column. The data type of column determines how BakingSheet reads the column.

Using Row Array

Row arrays are used for 2-dimentional structure. Below is example content of file Heroes.xlsx.

Id Name Strength Inteligence Vitality StatMultiplier RequiredExp RequiredItem
HERO001 Warrior 100 80 140 1 0
1.2 10
1.4 20
1.6 40
2 100 ITEM_LVUP001
HERO002 Mage 60 160 80 1 0
1.2 10
1.4 20
1.6 40
2 100 ITEM_LVUP002
HERO003 Assassin 140 100 80 1 0
1.2 10
1.4 20
1.6 40
2 100 ITEM_LVUP003

Rows without Id is considered as part of previous row. Below corresponding code shows how to define row arrays.

public class HeroSheet : Sheet<HeroSheet.Row>
    public class Row : SheetRowArray<Elem>
        public string Name { get; private set; }

        public int Strength { get; private set; }
        public int Inteligence { get; private set; }
        public int Vitality { get; private set; }

        public Elem GetLevel(int level)
            return this[level - 1];

    public class Elem : SheetRowElem
        public float StatMultiplier { get; private set; }
        public int RequiredExp { get; private set; }
        public string RequiredItem { get; private set; }

Note that SheetRowArray<TElem> is implementing IEnumerable<TElem> and indexer.

Using Cross-Sheet Reference

Below code shows how to replace string RequiredItem to ItemSheet.Reference RequiredItem to add extra reliablity. Sheet<TKey, TRow>.Reference type is serialized as TKey, and verifies that row with same id exists in the sheet.

public class HeroSheet : Sheet<HeroSheet.Row>
    public class Row : SheetRowArray<Elem>
        // ...

    public class Elem : SheetRowElem
        public float StatMultiplier { get; private set; }
        public int RequiredExp { get; private set; }
        public ItemSheet.Reference RequiredItem { get; private set; }
public class SheetContainer : SheetContainerBase
    // ...

    // use name of each matching sheet name from source
    public HeroSheet Heroes { get; private set; }
    public ItemSheet Items { get; private set; }

Note that both ItemSheet and HeroSheet have to be one of the properties on same SheetContainer class.

Custom Converters

User can create and customize their own converter by implementing ISheetImporter and ISheetExporter.

Custom Verifiers

You can verify datasheet sanity with custom verifiers. For example, you can define ResourceAttribute to mark columns that should reference path inside of Unity's Resources folder.