A Zulip bot for giving kudos to your community.
Praise and honour received for an achievement.
Kudos comes from Greek and means ‘praise’. Despite appearances, it is not a plural form. This means that there is no singular form kudo and that the use of kudos as a plural, as in the following sentence, is incorrect: he received many kudos for his work (correct use is he received much kudos for his work)
-- Oxford Dictionary
Recurse Center zulip already have a Kudos Bot, so no need to setup of the bot.
In any stream, topic or private message @mention Kudos, the person or persons you want to honour and write your message with any markdown style.
@Kudos @Terry O'Shea (W2'19) @Meredith Finkelstein (W2'19) @Michelle Torres (W2'19)
Great job during the Hack RC event!
This bot is amazing :parrot:
Important Note
We trust in your good sense, so we do not filter the content of your message.
Please use it wizely.
You can do anonymous so the person will receive Kudos but will not know you are the sender.
Use --anon
on the content of the message
You can find all Kudos on #Kudos stream and there are topics for each person that receive kudos!
- From your desktop, click on the gear ⚙️ in the upper right corner.
- Select Settings.
- On the left, click Your bots.
- Click Add a new bot.
- Select 'Generic Bot'
- Fill out the fields, and click Create bot.
Copy the details from your bot for api key, email, etc.
Run now with environment variables using the ones from step 2.
Configure an account on cron-job.org to ping your url every minute.
We created this bot as part of Hack RC (Recurse Center) event on 2019.
Recurse Center (before Hacker School) is a self-directed, community-driven educational retreat for programmers in New York City.