
A simple and clean instructional dialog plugin for Vue2, dialog type including Modal, Alert, Mask and Toast

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CircleCI code coverage npm version license npm

A simple and clean instructional dialog plugin for Vue2, dialog type including Modal, Alert, Mask and Toast

Examples and Documentation

Live Examples on CodePen, more examples and documentation please visit below

The jQuery version: bDialog

The Dialog Icon

The icons in alert dialog used are made by Elegant Themes

The control icon, toast icon used are come from IconFont


npm i -S v-dialogs

Include plugin in your project

import Vue from 'vue'
import Dialogs from 'v-dialogs'
Vue.use(Dialogs, {
  // global config options...



// Functional open alert dialog
DialogAlert(message, [callback], [option])
// Open alert dialog with globally v-dialogs instance
this.$dlg.alert(message, [callback], [options])

// Examples
import { DialogAlert } from 'v-dialogs'
function deleteUser (userId) {
  DialogAlert('Deleted data cannot be recovered, are you sure?', () => {
    executeDeleteUser(userId).then(() => {
      DialogAlert('Delete complete.', { messageType: 'success' })
  }, { messageType: 'confirm' })


// Functional open modal dialog
DialogModal(component, [options])
// Open modal dialog with globally v-dialogs instance
this.$dlg.modal(component, [options])

// Examples
import { DialogModal, DialogAlert } from 'v-dialogs'
import Page from './Page.vue'

DialogModal(Page, {
  width: 400,
  height: 300,
  title: 'User Profile',
  params: {
    userId: 1,
    userName: 'Terry Zeng'
  callback: data => {
    DialogAlert(`Received message: ${data}`)

// Globally instance example
this.$dlg.modal(Page, {
  callback: data => {
    this.$dlg.alert(`Received message: ${data}`)


// Functional open toast dialog
DialogToast(message, [callback], [option])
// Open toast dialog with globally v-dialogs instance
this.$dlg.toast(message, [callback], [options])

// Examples
import { DialogToast } from 'v-dialogs'
// Display message in toast
// Display message with callback
DialogToast(message, callback)
// Display message with options
DialogToast(message, options)
// Display message with callaback and options
DialogToast(message, callback, options)


// Functional open mask dialog
DialogMask([message], [callback], [options])
// Open mask dialog with globally v-dialogs instance
this.$dlg.mask([message], [callback], [options])

import { DialogMask } from 'v-dialogs'
// Display default message
// Display specify message
DialogMask('Data loading, please hold on a moment...')


Dialog helper collection

close(key?: string): void

Close a dialog, when no specified key parameter, will close the last one opened dialog

import { DialogMask, DialogHelper } from 'v-dialogs'

const key = DialogMask()
// do your job stuff
doSomeJobStuff().then(() => {
  // close mask with key

closeAll(): void

Close all dialogs at once

import { DialogHelper } from 'v-dialogs'

  .then(() => {
    // Do fetch data success work
  .catch(error => {
    // Login state timeout for example
    if (error.isLoginTimeout) {
      // Close all opened dialogs
      // Redirect to login page
      router.push({ path: '/login' })