
Online bookings/appointments/calendars in NodeJS using the SuperSaaS scheduling platform - https://supersaas.com

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SuperSaaS NodeJS SDK

Online bookings/appointments/calendars in NodeJS using the SuperSaaS scheduling platform - https://supersaas.com

The SuperSaaS API provides services that can be used to add online booking and scheduling functionality to an existing website or CRM software.


  1. Register for a (free) SuperSaaS account, and
  2. get your account name and password.

NodeJS 6 or greater.

No external packages. Only the native http/https modules are used.


The SuperSaaS NodeJS API Client is available as a module from the NPM Registry and can be included in your project package. Note, the supersaas-api-client may update major versions with breaking changes, so it's recommended to use a major version when expressing the gem dependency. e.g.

    "dependencies": {
        "supersaas-api-client": "^1.0"

$ npm install supersaas-api-client


Require the module.

var supersaas = require('supersaas-api-client');
var Client = supersaas.Client;

The Client can be used either (1) through the singleton Instance property, e.g.

  accountName: 'account',
  password: 'password',
  userName: 'user',
  host: 'http://test',
  dryRun: true,
  verbose: true
Client.Instance.accountName; //=> 'account'

Or else by (2) simply creating a new client instance manually, e.g.

var client = new Client({accountName: 'accnt', password: 'pwd'});

Note, ensure that configure is called before Instance, otherwise the client will be initialized with configuration defaults.

If the client isn't configured explicitly, it will use default ENV variables for the account name, password, and user name.

process.env.SSS_API_ACCOUNT_NAME = 'your-env-supersaas-account-name';
process.env.SSS_API_PASSWORD = 'your-env-supersaas-account-name';
SuperSaaS.Client.Instance.accountName; //=> 'your-env-supersaas-account-name';
SuperSaaS.Client.Instance.password; //=> 'your-env-supersaas-account-name';

All configuration options can be individually set on the client.

SuperSaaS.Client.Instance.password = 'pwd';
SuperSaaS.Client.Instance.verbose = true;

API Methods

Details of the data structures, parameters, and values can be found on the developer documentation site:


All API methods accept an optional error-first callback with a signature of function(err, data). The callback function should always be the last argument in the call.

Note, methods with optional arguments can accept a callback as the final argument for any of those arguments. For example:

Method with the last argument after optional form and webhook arguments:

Client.Instance.users.create(attributes, form, webhook, function(err, data){});

Method without optional arguments:

Client.Instance.users.create(attributes, function(err, data){});

List Schedules

Get all account schedules:

Client.Instance.schedules.list(function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> ["Schedule", ...]

List Resource

Get all services/resources by scheduleId:

Client.Instance.schedules.resources(12345, function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> ["Resource", ...]

Note: does not work for capacity type schedules.

Create User

Create a user with user attributes params:

Client.Instance.users.create({"name": ..., ...}, null, true, function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> "User"

Update User

Update a user by userId with user attributes params:

Client.Instance.users.update(12345, {"name": ..., ...}, null, true, function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> "object"

Delete User

Delete a single user by userId:

Client.Instance.users.delete(12345, function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> "object"

Get User

Get a single user by userId:

Client.Instance.users.get(12345, function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> "User"

List Users

Get all users with optional form and limit/offset pagination params:

Client.Instance.users.list(false, 25, 0, function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> ["User", ...]

Create Appointment/Booking

Create an appointment by scheduleId and userId with appointment attributes and form and webhook params:

Client.Instance.appointments.create(12345, 67890, {"full_name": ...}, true, true, function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> "Appointment"

Update Appointment/Booking

Update an appointment by scheduleId and appointmentId with appointment attributes params:

Client.Instance.appointments.update(12345, 67890, {"full_name": ...}, function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> "object"

Delete Appointment/Booking

Delete a single appointment by appointmentId:

Client.Instance.appointments.delete(12345, function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> "object"

Get Appointment/Booking

Get a single appointment by scheduleId and appointmentId:

Client.Instance.appointments.get(12345, 67890, function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> ["Appointment", ...]

List Appointments/Bookings

Get agenda (upcoming) appointments by scheduleId and userId, with form and slot view params:

Client.Instance.appointments.list(12345, 67890, true, true, function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> ["Appointment", ...]

Get Agenda

Get agenda (upcoming) appointments by scheduleId and userId, with form and slot view params:

Client.Instance.appointments.agenda(12345, 67890, true, true, function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> ["Appointment", ...]

Get Available Appointments/Bookings

Get available appointments by scheduleId, with from time and lengthMinutes and resource params:

Client.Instance.appointments.available(12345, '2018-1-31 00:00:00', 15, 'My Class', function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> ["Appointment", ...]

Get Recent Changes

Get recently changed appointments by scheduleId, with from time and slot view params:

Client.Instance.appointments.changes(12345, '2018-1-31 00:00:00', true, function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> ["Appointment", ...]

List Template Forms

Get all forms by template superformId, with from time param:

Client.Instance.forms.list(12345, '2018-1-31 00:00:00', function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> ["Form", ...]

Get Form

Get a single form by form_id:

Client.Instance.forms.get(12345, function(err, data) { 
    console.log(data); //=> "Form"


The HTTP requests can be stubbed by configuring the client with the dryRun option, e.g.

Client.Instance.dryRun = true;

Note, stubbed requests always invoke callbacks with an empty Array.

The Client also provides a lastRequest attribute containing the options object from the last performed request, e.g.

Client.Instance.lastRequest; //=> {"method": ..., "headers": ..., "path": ...}

The headers, body, path, etc. of the last request can be inspected for assertion in tests, or for troubleshooting failed API requests.

For additional troubleshooting, the client can be configured with the verbose option, which will log any JSON contents in the request and response to the console, e.g.

Client.Instance.verbose = true;

Error Handling

The API Client uses error-first callbacks to indicate success or failure status; if the err parameter is not null, then it will contain an array of error message object, e.g.

  Client.Instance.appointments.create(12345, 67890, {bad_field_name: ''}, function(err, data) {
    if (err) {
        console.log(err); //=> => [{"status":"400","title":"Bad request: unknown attribute 'bad_field_name' for Booking."}]

Additional Information

Contact: support@supersaas.com


The package follows semantic versioning, i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH

MAJORreleases add or refactor API features and are likely to contain incompatible breaking changes

MINORreleases add new backwards-compatible functionality

PATCHreleases apply backwards-compatible bugfixes or documentation updates


The SuperSaaS NodeJS API Client is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.