
Hex editor widget for the Dear ImGui

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

My version of hexadecimal editor for the Dear ImGui



  1. Automatically adjust visible bytes count depending on the window width
  2. Read-only mode
  3. Optional ascii display
  4. Separators support
  5. Support for lowercase bytes
  6. Keyboard navigation
  7. Custom read/write/name callbacks
  8. Render zeroes as disabled (idea from the ocronut's hex editor version)
  9. Custom highlighting (with automatic text contrast selection)
  10. Clipboard support



Hex editor doesn't require you to implement callbacks at all.

static ImGuiHexEditorState hex_state;

hex_state.ReadCallback = [](ImGuiHexEditorState* state, size_t offset, void* buf, size_t size) -> size_t {
  SIZE_T read;
  ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (char*)state->Bytes + offset, buf, size, &read);
  return read;

hex_state.WriteCallback = [](ImGuiHexEditorState* state, size_t offset, void* buf, size_t size) -> size_t {
  SIZE_T write;
  WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (char*)state->Bytes + offset, buf, size, &write);
  return write;

hex_state.GetAddressNameCallback = [](ImGuiHexEditorState* state, size_t offset, char* buf, size_t size) -> bool
  if (offset >= 0 && offset < sizeof(ImGuiIO))
    snprintf(buf, size, "io+%0.*zX", 4, offset);
    return true;

  return false;

hex_state.SingleHighlightCallback = [](ImGuiHexEditorState* state, int offset, ImColor* color, ImColor* text_color, ImColor* border_color) -> ImGuiHexEditorHighlightFlags
  if (offset >= 100 && offset <= 150)
    *color = ImColor(user_highlight_color);
    return ImGuiHexEditorHighlightFlags_Apply | ImGuiHexEditorHighlightFlags_TextAutomaticContrast | ImGuiHexEditorHighlightFlags_Ascii
      | ImGuiHexEditorHighlightFlags_BorderAutomaticContrast;

  return ImGuiHexEditorHighlightFlags_None;


    ImGuiHexEditorHighlightRange range;
    range.From = 200;
    range.To = 250;
    range.Color = ImColor(user_highlight_color);
    range.Flags = ImGuiHexEditorHighlightFlags_TextAutomaticContrast | ImGuiHexEditorHighlightFlags_FullSized 
        | ImGuiHexEditorHighlightFlags_Ascii | ImGuiHexEditorHighlightFlags_Border | ImGuiHexEditorHighlightFlags_BorderAutomaticContrast;

hex_state.Bytes = (void*)&ImGui::GetIO();
hex_state.MaxBytes = sizeof(ImGuiIO) + 0x1000;

ImGui::BeginHexEditor("##HexEditor", &hex_state);


  • Support for any amount of address chars for automatical bytes count selection.