
Command-line interface for symbolic computation based on Python and SymPy

Primary LanguagePython

Symi : Command-Line Interface for Symbolic Computation

Symi is a command-line interface to make symbolic computation easily. It runs under Python and is based on Sympy.

Symi CLI

Table of Contents


Symi supports all the SymPy functions and syntaxes. Here are some of the main features :

  • ✔️ Variables do not need to be declared to be used
  • ✔️ Variable storing
  • ✔️ Implicit multiplications (you can disable it)
  • ✔️ Equation solver
  • ✔️ Unix pipeline syntax supported

⚠️ This project does not contain automated tests yet. It may happen that some computations return a wrong result.

Get Started



Run in a shell:

git clone https://github.com/Teskann/Symi && cd Symi && make

Run it


You're done ! 🎉


Save an expression

To save a variable, simply run:

symi> x = 2

You can of course save a symbolic expression:

symi> x = a+cos(t)

As variable names are stored as expressions, you can also do:

symi> x + y = 2a + h/2

Display Saved variables

In these examples we will work with the following variables

symi> x = a+cos(t)
symy> r + t = tan(alpha_0)

To display all saved variables, simply type :

symi> vars

x = a + cos(t)
r + t = tan(alpha_0)

This will print all the saved expressions.

To view a specific expression, simply enter its name:

symi> x

a + cos(t)

symi> r + t


Clear all variables

To clear all variables, simply run:

symi> clear

Evaluate an expression

To evaluate an expression, simply enter it in the CLI:

symi> sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2


If you saved a value and re-use it later in another expression, it won't be substituted :

symi> x = 10
symi> sin(x)


To make the substitution using all the variables you declared, you can add a ! at the end of the command:

symi> x = 10

symi> sin(x)!

To make a numeric simplification, just add !! at the end of the command line:

symi> x = 10

symi> sin(x)!!

Note : The ! or !! only work at the end of the command line.

If you want to substitute your variable at a specific place in the expression, precede it by a @:

symi> x = y+1

symi> sin(@x) + x
x + sin(y + 1)

To automatically apply substitution, see always_sub option below.

Rewrite an expression

By default, all the results displayed in Symi are simplified with Sympy's simplify function. However, in some cases you might want to display your expression another way (partial fraction decomposition, expanded expression, ...). To rewrite an expression, you can use all the Sympy functions for simplification. Symi comes with a support of Unix pipelines syntaxes to make this easier.

For example, to expand an expression, you can run

symi> (a+b)^2 | expand

 2            2
a  + 2⋅a⋅b + b

This is equivalent to :

symi> expand((a+b)^2)

 2            2
a  + 2⋅a⋅b + b

Another example, for factorization:

symi> a^3+3a^2b+3ab^2+b^3 | factor

(a + b)

Partial fraction decomposition :

symi> 1/((x+3)*(x+1)) | apart

      1           1    
- ───────── + ─────────
  2⋅(x + 3)   2⋅(x + 1)

Note : Instead of using apart, you can use des which is an equivalent that stands for "Décomposition en Éléments Simples" ("partial fraction decomposition" in French).

Solve Equations

Symi comes with a straight forward equation solver, that works for non-linear equations (using SymPy's solve() function).

To do so, write the equation(s) on the left, add a question mark ? and then write the unknowns. If you write many equations, split them by a semicolon ;, and if you have many unknowns, split them with a semicolon too ;. Here are some examples :

symi> cos(x) = 0 ? x

⎡⎛π ⎞  ⎛3⋅π ⎞⎤
⎢⎜─,⎟, ⎜───,⎟⎥
⎣⎝2 ⎠  ⎝ 2  ⎠⎦

symi> xy^2+1 = u ; xy-u_0 = b ? x; y

⎡⎛        2        ⎞⎤
⎢⎜(b + u₀)   u - 1 ⎟⎥
⎢⎜─────────, ──────⎟⎥
⎣⎝  u - 1    b + u₀⎠⎦

Work with Physics constants

symi> import physics_constants

symi> c

symi> k

Special functions

  • L(f), Laplace(f) : Laplace transform of f with respect to t with s as a Laplace variable:
    symi> L(sin(t))
     s  + 1
  • Linv(f): Inverse Laplace transform of f with respect to s with t as the time variable:
    symi> Linv(s/(s^2+1))
    symi> F = 1/s^2
    symi> Linv(@F)


Use the single quote ' to differentiate a function.

symi> x^2'

symi> cos(x) + 2x'
2 - sin(x)

For functions with more than one variable, you need to set diff_variable parameter:

symi> diff_variable t

symi> cos(omega*t+phi)'
-ω⋅sin(ω⋅t + φ)


Use the $ to integrate functions of one variable :

symi> $x


symi> $arctan(x)

               ⎛ 2    ⎞
            log⎝x  + 1⎠
x⋅atan(x) - ───────────

Note that the $ operator has a lower priority than addition and subtraction:

symi> $x + 1

x⋅(x + 2)

To make it work with multivariable functions, update the integration_variable option:

symi> integration_variable t

symi> $gt


symi> $x^2


You can also use integrate() Sympy's function (or int()) :

symi> integrate(cos(tx), x)

⎪────────  for t ≠ 0
⎨   t               
⎩   x      otherwise

symi> int(1/2*gt^2, t)


Symi offers a syntax to compute limits:

symi> lim x->0 ? sin(x)/x

symi> lim 2xy+z -> ab- ? (z+2yx-ba)^-1

Change Options

Display Options

To display the current status of the options, run:

symi> options

implicit_multiplication : True
num_tolerance : 1e-10
tau_kills_pi : False

Implicit Multiplication

If you want to disable implicit multiplication, run

symi> implicit_multiplication off

Numeric Tolerance

If you work with numeric approximations, you can change the tolerance level, which defaults to 1e-10:

symi> num_tolerance 1e-3

Use τ instead of 2π !

If you think mankind should use τ=2π as the circle constant, you can enable the option tau_kills_pi:

symi> tau_kills_pi

symi> pi


symi> cos(tau)

symi> tau_kills_pi off

symi> pi

Always Apply substitution

If you are tired of using the @ and ! operators and you want to always apply variable substitutions, you can enable always_sub option.

symi> f=x^2 + 2x + 1

symi> diff(f)

symi> always_sub

symi> diff(f)
2⋅x + 2

Always Apply Numerical Evaluation

There is also an option to always apply numerical evaluation:

symi> cos(pi/4)


symi> always_num

symi> cos(pi/4)

Differentiation Variable

If you differentiate a function of one variable with ', the differentiation variable is detected automatically. However, on multivariable functions, you need to set the diff_variable option:

symi> diff_variable x

symi> ax^2'

Integration Variable

If you integrate with $ on a function of one variable, this variable is used as the integration variable. However if you integrate multivariable functions, you need to set integration_variable option:

symi> integration_variable x

symi> $cos(ax)

⎪────────  for a ≠ 0
⎨   a               
⎩   x      otherwise

This works also for multiple dimensions integration:

symi> integration_variable xy

symi> $x^2-y

   ⎛ 2    ⎞
x⋅y⋅⎝x  - y⎠