
An dcfldd GUI built with Python Webkit

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

 _______     ______    ____   ____ _                    _____           _ 
|_   _\ \   / / ___|  |  _ \ / ___| | ___  _ __   ___  |_   _|__   ___ | |
  | |  \ \ / /\___ \  | | | | |   | |/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \   | |/ _ \ / _ \| |
  | |   \ V /  ___) | | |_| | |___| | (_) | | | |  __/   | | (_) | (_) | |
  |_|    \_/  |____/  |____/ \____|_|\___/|_| |_|\___|   |_|\___/ \___/|_|


This is an dcfldd interface made with Python Webkit. Its a WIP program.

Dependencies: dcfldd, python-webkit, python-simplejson

Now with debian package generator


  • Add option to export to a file
  • Translate the files to english
  • Add more things todo lol