
TesraPow provides verifiable computing power for expanding blockchain usability

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What is TesraPunKu?

TesraPunKu Perform user-defined computing-intensive tasks off-chain, provide unlimited computing power for the existing blockchain, and bring a decentralized token economy to the traditional computing market.
The TesraPunKu network bypasses the blockchain Gas restrictions and expensive on-chain computing costs, and connects complicated third-party computing capabilities with business computing-intensive tasks (such as machine learning model training, 3D rendering, DNA sequencing, and other scientific computing).
The computing network based on zkSNARK will also support providing privacy for private input computing tasks. In addition, regarding the current scalability of the blockchain, it will bring unlimited scalability to the supported chains.
See https://www.overec.com/prove for more information


Verifiable off-chain computing

Verifiable computing means that customers can outsource some computing tasks to untrustworthy third parties that have sufficient computing power. The calculation result and the proof of the validity and completeness of the result will be returned to the customer together, and the customer then only needs to do a verification calculation without performing the original calculation task.
For each computing request, a group of computing nodes is randomly selected, and each group member performs deterministic computing tasks, and sends back the results agreed by the majority of nodes.

Zero Knowledge Proof (zkSNARK)

Construct a verifiable computing network based on zero-knowledge proof (zkSNARK), which executes off-chain, verifies off-chain, and improves verification efficiency based on threshold keys.
The off-chain calculation based on zkSNARK only needs to be executed once. The solver and verifier are non-interactive. The proof is concise, meaning it is small and has nothing to do with the complexity of the calculation. The verification process can quickly verify the validity of the calculation results. It only depends on the size of the input and is not affected by the complexity of the calculation process.


Threshold cryptography, distributed key generation and verifiable random function(VRF)

Exploring other signature schemes besides threshold-BLS signatures requires features such as verifiability, uniqueness/determinism, non-interactive threshold signature version, and small signature size.
Research other more advanced DKG algorithms except Feldman and Pedersen verifiable secret sharing scheme.
Research on emerging research and applications of verifiable random functions in the blockchain field, explore more applications of VRF in Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus algorithms and non-interactive zero-knowledge systems.

Verifiable off-chain computing with stronger scalability

Explore and study zk-SNARK related topics, especially the implementation of general front-end compilers from high-level languages to first-order constraint systems, underlying libraries and proof systems, such as libsnark.
Evaluate and pay attention to other advanced verifiable computing technologies, which are still in the theoretical stage, rather than the production environment stage, such as fully homomorphic encryption, program obfuscation, and the latest scalable, post-quantum secure zk-STARK technology.