
The dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

How I manage my dot files

Following a thread I saw on hacker news, I put all of my config files and scripts under git to make setting up a new system easier.

Since this setup is a litle bit different than a normal git setup, you need to un the alias config instead of git. Also, since the entire home directory is technically under version control, there's a few commands you should not run (e..g, config status -u) unless you want to traverse your entire home directory :)

How to set up this repo up on an exisiting system

Something usually goes wrong here. Good luck :)

  1. Clone the git repo onto your computer.

    You can rm the separate-git flag if you don't want to keep things under version control.

    cd ~ && git clone --separate-git-dir=$HOME/.myconf git@github.com:TessHuelskamp/.myconf.git temp

  2. Copy the files you want over into your home directory ( e.g., cp temp/.aliases ~/.aliases )

  3. Make sure that this line (below) is sourced in your login scripts so git knows how to interact with your home direcotry.

    • alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.myconf/ --work-tree=$HOME'

    Note: This line should already be in your ~/.aliases file if you copied that over in an earlier step.

  4. source the ~/.aliases file

  5. Configure your config git directory not to show untracked files by default (in this case those untracked files would be the entirity of your home directory :) ) config config status.showUntrackedFiles no

    Note: You'll need to remember to add any new files to this setup (e.g., any new ~/bin/exes or ~/.configs) because git won't prompt you to do that.

Note on the difference between bash_profile and zshrc

The latest mac update changed the default shell from bash to zsh. I switched over to zshrc as my main shell since I don't have a strong opinion between the two shells.

I moved all of the aliases from ~/.bash_profile into ~/.aliases and had both the ~/.bash_profile and ~/.zshrc file source that aliases file.

Note that this setup means that ~/.aliases should be a terminal node in a source tree. If you mess that up, speaking from experience :p , you'll create an infinite source loop that'll block you from logging into an interactive terminal shell :) (If you do create a forever loop you can fix it by running rm ~/.aliases from a "New Command" window in Terminal)

General new system TODOs

  • Terminal configurations
    • Option as a meta key
  • Keyboard: CapsLock -> Esc
  • defaults write com.apple.screencapture location AN_EXISTING_DIR
  • Add some desktop pointers to frequenltly used locations
    • ln -s ~/ScreenShots ~/Desktop
    • Also the Sandbox & Downloads

  • brew
  • Hot corner locks window
    • Put display to sleep
    • And then require password immediately after locking