
magellan test executor for saucelabs

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Executor for Magellan to run nightwatchjs tests in Saucelabs environment.

Pleast Note: in version 5 release locks integration is removed from executor and moved into magellan repo. Magellan@11 release manages locks and other test resources via resource strategy.

Important Notes About Versions

Magellan Version Compatibility

Important: testarmada-magellan-saucelabs-executor is only supported by magellan version 10.0.0 or higher.

What does this executor do

  1. It manages Sauce Connect if your tests need it.
  2. It talks Guacamole so that the desiredCapabilities shrinks down to a string, which makes managing your browser selection easier.
  3. It reports test result to Saucelabs automatically.
  4. It runs tests by forking the test framework (i.e. Nightwatch, etc) it as magellan child process.

How To Use

Please follow the following steps:

  1. npm install testarmada-magellan-saucelabs-executor --save
  2. Add following the block to your magellan.json (if there isn't a magellan.json please create one under your folder root):
"executors": [
  1. Set environment variables:

# Set this to disable the autodetection of proxy settings when using sauce connect
export SC_NO_AUTODETECT=true
  1. ./node_modules/.bin/magellan --help to see if you can see the following content printed out
 Executor-specific (testarmada-magellan-sauce-executor)
  --sauce_browser=browsername          Run tests in chrome, firefox, etc (default: phantomjs).
  --sauce_browsers=b1,b2,..            Run multiple browsers in parallel.
  --sauce_list_browsers                List the available browsers configured (Guacamole integrated).
  --sauce_create_tunnels               undefined
  --sauce_tunnel_id=testtunnel123123   Use an existing secure tunnel (exclusive with --sauce_create_tunnels)
  --sauce_app=sauce-storage:your_app.apSpecify the app name in sauce temporary storage
  --sauce_app_capabilities_config=sauceSpecify a configuration file containing customized appium desiredCapabilities for saucelabs VM
  --shared_sauce_parent_account=testsauSpecify parent account name if existing shared secure tunnel is  in use (exclusive with --sauce_create_tunnels)

Congratulations, you're all set.

Customize sauce tunnel flags

testarmada-magellan-saucelabs-executor supports customized sauce tunnel flags since 1.0.2. You can put customized flags into a .json file and use --sauce_tunnel_config to load the file.

tunnel config json example

  "fastFailRegexps": "p.typekit.net",
  "directDomains": "google.com",
  "noSslBumpDomains": "google.com"

For all supported flags please refer to here.

Customize appium desiredCapabilities (for app and mobile web test only)

testarmada-magellan-saucelabs-executor supports customized appium desiredCapabilies. A user can directly put all the desired appium capabilities in a profile as shown below:

"chrome-android": [
    "browser": "Android_GoogleAPI_Emulator_Android_7_0_Android",
    "orientation": "portrait",
    "appium": {
        "browserName": "Chrome",
        "appiumVersion": "1.6.5",
        "platformName": "Android",
        "platformVersion": "7.0"

Also, a user can define the desired capabilities in a json or js file specified by appiumCapabilitiesConfig as shown below.

"chrome-android": [
    "browser": "Android_GoogleAPI_Emulator_Android_7_0_Android",
    "orientation": "portrait",
    "appCapabilitiesConfig": "./config/appium-capabilities.json"
    "appium": {
        "browserName": "Chrome",
        "appiumVersion": "1.6.5",
        "platformName": "Android",
        "platformVersion": "7.0"

Example of appium-capabilities.json

   "Android_GoogleAPI_Emulator_Android_7_0_Android": {
       "automationName": "XCUITest",
       "sendKeyStrategy": "setValue",
       "waitForAppScript": "true",
       "locationServicesAuthorized": "false"
   "Android_GoogleAPI_Emulator_Android_7_1_Android": {
       "automationName": "XCUITest",
       "sendKeyStrategy": "setValue",
       "waitForAppScript": "false",
       "locationServicesAuthorized": "true"

Example of appium-capabilities.js

 'use strict';


 module.exports = {
   "Android_GoogleAPI_Emulator_Android_7_0_Android": {
       "appiumVersion": `${APPIUM_VERSION}`
       "automationName": "XCUITest",
       "sendKeyStrategy": "setValue",
       "waitForAppScript": "true",
       "locationServicesAuthorized": "false"
   "Android_GoogleAPI_Emulator_Android_7_1_Android": {
       "appiumVersion": `${APPIUM_VERSION}`
       "automationName": "XCUITest",
       "sendKeyStrategy": "setValue",
       "waitForAppScript": "false",
       "locationServicesAuthorized": "true"

Using a js file is especially useful when you want to add a dynamic value to a property. e.g from an environment variable

Note that the desired capabilities for the browser should be placed under its key e.g Android_GoogleAPI_Emulator_Android_7_0_Android. The file can contain more than one browsers as shown in the example.

You can further merge the customized appium desired capabilities via --sauce_app_capabilities_config. Any content in the .json file will be merged into desiredCapabilities directly.

customized appium desired capabilities

"Android_GoogleAPI_Emulator_Android_7_0_Android" : {
    "appiumVersion": "1.6.5",
    "automationName": "XCUITest",
    "sendKeyStrategy": "setValue"

If the browser key is not found in the configuration files (appCapabilitiesConfig or --sauce_app_capabilities_config), no capabilities are merged from the configuration files.

Note that the desired capabilities from --sauce_app_capabilities_config and appCapabilities are merged into the local appium capabilities with --sauce_app_capabilities_config taking precedence over the capabilities from appCapabilitiesConfig which in turn takes precedence over the local appium capabilities.

Loading rules for env variables and customized flags

Some parameters can be passed in from both env variables and customized flags (such as SAUCE_USERNAME from env variables and username from flags). It is very important to understand which one will take effect if set up both.

  1. env variable always has top priority.
  2. customized flags only work when no corresponding env variable set

Loading rules for command line args, profile and configuration file content

Some arguments can be passed in to excutor from both command line args, profile and configuration files, for example the temporary app location on saucelabs. The rule for deciding the final value of such argument is ordered as following

  1. configuration file content
  2. profile
  3. command line args (except --sauce_app, command line value of --sauce_app has the top priority)


To run test in latest chrome on Windows10 without a tunnel

$ ./node_modules/.bin/magellan --sauce_browser chrome_latest_Windows_10_Desktop --test xxx

To run test in latest chrome on Windows10 with a new tunnel

$ ./node_modules/.bin/magellan --sauce_browser chrome_latest_Windows_10_Desktop --sauce_create_tunnels --test xxx

To run test in latest chrome on Windows10 with an exiting tunnel

$ ./node_modules/.bin/magellan --sauce_browser chrome_latest_Windows_10_Desktop --sauce_tunnel_id xxx --test xxx

To run test in latest chrome, latest firefox on Windows10 and safari 9 on MacOS 10.11

$ ./node_modules/.bin/magellan --sauce_browsers chrome_latest_Windows_10_Desktop,firefox_latest_Windows_10_Desktop,safari_9_OS_X_10_11_Desktop --test xxx

To create sauce tunnel connection with customized flags from ./tunnel.json

$ ./node_modules/.bin/magellan --sauce_browsers chrome_latest_Windows_10_Desktop --sauce_create_tunnels --sauce_tunnel_config ./tunnel.json 


Documentation in this project is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Full details available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0