
Playground to display Go compiler's behavior on heap memory allocation.

Primary LanguageGo

When does the Go compiler place variables on the heap and the stack ?

  • Sharing gown typically stays on the stack
    • Passing references down as function parameters
  • Sharing up typically escapes to the heap
    • Returning references (pointers) from functions
  • "typically": only the compiler knows.

When are values constructed on the heap ?

  1. When a value could possibly be referenced after the function that constructed the values returns.
  2. When the compiler determines a value is too large to fit on the stack.
  3. When the compiler does not know the size of a value at compile time.

Points to remember

  • Optimize for correctness, not performance
  • Go only puts function variables on the stack if it can prove a variable is not used after the function returns
  • Sharing down typically stays on the stack
  • Sharing up typically escapes to the heap
  • You want to know ? Ask the compiler to find out using the tooling