
The official Neovim client for Testaustime, written in Haskell :)

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


This beautiful piece of art is now archived in favor of a more functional version of a testaustime plugin for nvim

The official NeoVim client for Testaustime written in Haskell using nvim-hs


  1. Install the vim plugin: You can use your favourite plugin manager. The example uses packer.nvim
    use {'lajp/testaustime-nvim', run = 'cabal install --overwrite-policy=always' }
    If you're having some issues (arch users) make sure you have cabal configured for dynamic builds. More information here If installation fails, try running cabal update first
  2. Add the following lines to your NeoVim config:
    let g:testaustime_url = "https://your.testaustimeinstance.com"
    let g:testaustime_token = "YourVerySecretTestaustimeAuthenticationToken"
  3. Additionally you can configure these values:
    let g:testaustime_ignore = "packer netrw help qf TelescopePrompt" " A space-separated list of filetypes that are ignored
    let g:testaustime_editor_name = "NeoVim" " The value of the editor_name field sent in the heartbeat

After these steps you should be good to go