
Testura.Code is a wrapper around the Roslyn API and used for generation, saving and compiling C# code. It provides methods and helpers to generate classes, methods, statements and expressions.

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Testura.Code is a wrapper around the Roslyn API and used for generation, saving and compiling C# code. It provides methods and helpers to generate classes, methods, statements and expressions.

It provide helpers to generate:

  • Classes
  • Methods
  • Parameters
  • Arguments
  • Attributes
  • Fields
  • Properties

But also simple statements like:

  • Declaration statements (for example declare and assign variables)
  • Iterations statements (for example for-loop)
  • Jump statements (for example return)
  • Selection statement (for example if-statements)
  • Expression statements (for example invoke methods)


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Testura.Code have three different types of helpers:

  • Generators - The most basic kinds of code generators, for example fields, properties and modifiers.
  • Statement - Helpers for regular statements and expressions, for example declare and assign a variable or invoke a method.
  • Builders - Currently we have two builder - One class builder and one method builder. These have the highest abstraction and are easy to use.



Hello world

Here is an example on how to generate, save and compile a simple hello world.


var @class = new ClassBuilder("Program", "HelloWorld")
		new MethodBuilder("Main")
		.WithModifiers(Modifiers.Public, Modifiers.Static)
		.WithParameters(new Parameter("args", typeof(string[])))
				Statement.Expression.Invoke("Console", "WriteLine", new List<IArgument>() { new ValueArgument("Hello world") }).AsStatement(),
				Statement.Expression.Invoke("Console", "ReadLine").AsStatement()

This code will generate following code:

using System;

namespace HelloWorld
   public class Program
       public static void Main(String[] args)
           Console.WriteLine("Hello world");


var saver = new CodeSaver();

// As a string
var generatedCode = saver.SaveCodeAsString(@class);

// Or to file
saver.SaveCodeToFile(@class, @"/path/HelloWorld.cs");


var compiler = new Compiler();

//To a dll

// From string
var result = await compiler.CompileSourceAsync(@"/path/HelloWorld.dll", generatedCode);

// From file
var result = await compiler.CompileFilesAsync(@"/path/HelloWorld.dll",  @"/path/HelloWorld.cs");

//In memory (without creating a dll)

// From string
var result = await compiler.CompileSourceInMemoryAsync(generatedCode);

// From file
var result = await compiler.CompileFilesInMemoryAsync(@"/path/HelloWorld.cs");

More advanced examples

Model class

        var classBuilder = new ClassBuilder("Cat", "Models");
        var @class = classBuilder
                        Statement.Declaration.Assign("Name", ReferenceGenerator.Create(new VariableReference("name"))),
                        Statement.Declaration.Assign("Age", ReferenceGenerator.Create(new VariableReference("age")))),
                    new List<Parameter> { new Parameter("name", typeof(string)), new Parameter("age", typeof(int)) },
                    new List<Modifiers> { Modifiers.Public }))
                PropertyGenerator.Create(new AutoProperty("Name", typeof(string), PropertyTypes.GetAndSet, new List<Modifiers> { Modifiers.Public })),
                PropertyGenerator.Create(new AutoProperty("Age", typeof(int), PropertyTypes.GetAndSet, new List<Modifiers> { Modifiers.Public })))

This code will generate following code:

using System;

namespace Models
    public class Cat
        public Cat(string name, int age)
            Name = name;
            Age = age;

        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }


        var @class = new ClassBuilder("Cat", "Models")
            .With(new EnumBuildMember("MyEnum", new List<EnumMember> { new("EnumValueOne", 2, new Attribute[] { new Attribute("MyAttribute"), }), new EnumMember("EnumValueTwo") }, new List<Modifiers> { Modifiers.Public }))

This code will generate following code:

using System;

namespace Models
    public class Cat
        public enum MyEnum
            EnumValueOne = 2,

Class with file scoped namespace and body properties

        var @class = new ClassBuilder("Cat", "Models", NamespaceType.FileScoped)
                new Field("_name", typeof(string), new List<Modifiers>() { Modifiers.Private }),
                new Field("_age", typeof(int), new List<Modifiers>() { Modifiers.Private }))
                        Statement.Declaration.Assign("Name", ReferenceGenerator.Create(new VariableReference("name"))),
                        Statement.Declaration.Assign("Age", ReferenceGenerator.Create(new VariableReference("age")))),
                    new List<Parameter> { new Parameter("name", typeof(string)), new Parameter("age", typeof(int)) },
                    new List<Modifiers> { Modifiers.Public }))
                    new BodyProperty(
                        BodyGenerator.Create(Statement.Jump.Return(new VariableReference("_name"))), BodyGenerator.Create(Statement.Declaration.Assign("_name", new ValueKeywordReference())),
                        new List<Modifiers> { Modifiers.Public })),
                    new BodyProperty(
                        BodyGenerator.Create(Statement.Jump.Return(new VariableReference("_age"))), BodyGenerator.Create(Statement.Declaration.Assign("_age", new ValueKeywordReference())),
                        new List<Modifiers> { Modifiers.Public })))

This code will generate following code:

using System;

namespace Models;

public class Cat
    private string _name;
    private int _age;

    public Cat(string name, int age)
        Name = name;
        Age = age;

    public string Name
            return _name;

            _name = value;

    public int Age
            return _age;

            _age = value;

Record with primary constructor

        var record = new RecordBuilder("Cat", "Models", NamespaceType.FileScoped)
            .WithPrimaryConstructor(new Parameter("Age", typeof(int)))

This code will generate following code:

using System;

namespace Models;

public record Cat(int Age);

Class with methods that override operators and comments

        var @class = new ClassBuilder("Cat", "Models")
            .WithMethods(new MethodBuilder("MyMethod")
                .WithModifiers(Modifiers.Public, Modifiers.Static)
                .WithParameters(new Parameter("MyParameter", typeof(string)))
                        Statement.Declaration.Declare("hello", typeof(int)).WithComment("My comment above").WithComment("hej"),
                        Statement.Declaration.Declare("hello", typeof(int)).WithComment("My comment to the side", CommentPosition.Right)))

This code will generate following code:

using System;

namespace Models
    public class Cat
        public static MyMethod operator ++(string MyParameter)
            int hello;
            int hello; //My comment to the side

Test class with method references

       var @class = new ClassBuilder("NullTest", "MyTest")
            .WithUsings("System", "NUnit.Framework")
                new MethodBuilder("SetUp")
                    .WithAttributes(new Attribute("SetUp"))
                new MethodBuilder("Test_WhenAddingNumber_ShouldBeCorrectSum")
                    .WithAttributes(new Attribute("Test"))
                            Statement.Declaration.Declare("myList", typeof(List<int>)),
                            NunitAssertGenerator.Throws(new VariableReference("myList", new MethodReference("First")), typeof(ArgumentNullException))))

This code will generate following code:

using System;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace MyTest
    public class NullTest
        public void SetUp()

        public void Test_WhenAddingNumber_ShouldBeCorrectSum()
            List<int> myList;
            Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => myList.First(), "");

Missing anything?

If we miss a feature, syntax or statements - just create an issue or contact us and I'm sure we can add it.

It is also possible for you to contribute with your own feature. Simply add a pull request and we will look at it.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE.md file for details.


Visit www.testura.net, twitter at @testuranet or email at mille.bostrom@testura.net