
Typo in the repository description ("saving and and compiling")

Closed this issue · 4 comments

There is a typo in the project description. The word "and" comes twice in the sentence: "saving and and compiling C# code"

Oh, thanks for pointing it out and fixed it now.

Hi Mille,
thank you for fixing it so quickly :-)
BDW I find Testura.Code to be very useful and simple to use. That's why I've added it to the curated list of awesome Roslyn projects that I've just created. Here, in case you want to take a look: https://github.com/ironcev/awesome-roslyn

That's a really cool list and thanks for adding me. I will for sure looking at the other projects too :-)

Hi Mille,
no need to thanks - Testura.Code deserves to be added to the list :-)