
using statements with the namespace

Closed this issue · 5 comments


is there an ability to generate using statements with the namespace ?

You want them within the namespace? Like:

namespace myNamespace
   using System; 

Because currently we only support usings at the the top of the file:

using System; 

namespace myNamespace

But guess I can make it as a flag if you want it at the top. If I understand you correctly?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, Above is what we need exactly.

hello ,

just checking if this is available in new version.

Sorry totally missed to update the issues. I started to work on it but I didn't like the solution so I decided to create 0.15.0 without it. I will try to look at this week (a bit busy now) and see if I can figure out a better solution.

It's been a really long time since this issue was created and I think many perfer the new file scoped type (which we have added support for). I'm open to look at it again if someone still request it.