
How do i generate comments or region with comments

Closed this issue · 8 comments


I would like to generate comments or regions with comments. Can you please share samples.
.WithRegions(regionMember:new RegionBuildMember("Comments",new List<IBuildMember>(){}))



Comments are actually a bit tricky to generate as you must connect them to something else. So I have added support for XML comments but not looked at regular comments.

Do you have an example of what you want? For example just something like this:

#region MyRegion

Because then I can look into it and see if I can add better support for comments. But it's easier if you have good examples of what you want.


I would actually like to add in-line comments in a class. Something like -

//This is just comments

I didn't find any support so I was thinking about adding a region.

Oh I see! I will look into it tomorrow and see what I can do.

I looked into it a bit and the easiest way to do it is with leading/trailing trivias. This would make the code actually look something like this:

            var classBuilder = new ClassBuilder("Cat", "Models");
            var @class = classBuilder
                .WithMethods(new MethodBuilder("MyMethod")
                    .WithParameters(new Parameter("MyParameter", typeof(string)))
                                Statement.Declaration.Declare("hello", typeof(int)).WithComment("My comment above"),
                                Statement.Declaration.Declare("hello", typeof(int)).WithComment("My comment to the side", CommentPosition.Right)

Which will generate:

using System;

namespace Models
    public class Cat
        void MyMethod(string MyParameter)
            //My comment above
            int hello;
            int hello; //My comment to the side

Sadly it seems like making newlines (\n) will destroy the formatting so you can only use it for single line comments so far. Is that still fine? If so I will create a nuget update later today.

Above sounds good at the method level. Can we do this at the Class level?

At class level I only have XML documentation support for methods. I can try to add XML support for fields, properties, constructor and classes too (feels like that is more useful than singleline comments?).

So this is what I have right now:

            var @class = classBuilder
                        Statement.Declaration.Assign("Name", ReferenceGenerator.Create(new VariableReference("name"))),
                        Statement.Declaration.Assign("Age", ReferenceGenerator.Create(new VariableReference("age")))),
                    new List<Parameter> { new Parameter("name", typeof(string)), new Parameter("age", typeof(int), xmlDocumentation: "My parameter") },
                    new List<Modifiers> { Modifiers.Public },
                    summary: "MyConstructor summary"))
                .WithProperties(new AutoProperty("MyProperty", typeof(int), PropertyTypes.GetAndSet, summary: "MyPropertySummary"))
                    new Field("_name", typeof(string), new List<Modifiers>() { Modifiers.Private }, summary: "My field summary")) 
                .WithMethods(new MethodBuilder("MyMethod")
                    .WithParameters(new Parameter("MyParameter", typeof(string)))
                                Statement.Declaration.Declare("hello", typeof(int)).WithComment("My comment above").WithComment("hej"),
                                            Statement.Declaration.Declare("hello", typeof(int)).WithComment("My comment to the side", CommentPosition.Right)

Which gives:

using System;

namespace Models
    public class Cat
        /// <summary>
        /// MyConstructor summary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="age">My parameter</param>
        public Cat(string name, int age)
            Name = name;
            Age = age;

        /// <summary>
        /// MyPropertySummary
        /// </summary>
        int MyProperty { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// My field summary
        /// </summary>
        private string _name;

        void MyMethod(string MyParameter)
            int hello;
            int hello; //My comment to the side

Anything more you think you need?

I have uploaded a new version (0.16.0) with all of these.