
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Recipe React App

Main Goals

  • Have a Navbar with the name of the application
  • Have multiple React components in a components folder
  • Have data stored as state and passed down to multiple components as props (unidirectional dataflow) or have data passed through Context
  • Have the data passed down to different components updated (inverse dataflow) through buttons, forms, interactive components, etc.
  • Integrate a React styling library or link external CSS stylesheets to style your React app
  • Be professional (colors complement each other, font is easy to read, mobile-first design, etc.)

Your app can:

  • The first two suggestions are more recommended as fetching data with APIs and using libraries such as React Router DOM are much more significant in practice.
  • Integrate dynamic routing to multiple pages through React Router DOM
  • Use an API to fetch data and display information in your React app
  • Integrate testing (Snapshot, TDD) if you feel that your React app is simple
  • Integrate React Redux to manage state and data instead of props and Context