
Display bitcoin.de exchange rate on the PaPiRus ePaper display with Raspberry Pi.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bitcoin Ticker

Display bitcoin.de exchange rate on the PaPiRus ePaper display with Raspberry Pi.

Auto Startup

  1. Install screen:
sudo apt-get install screen
  1. Create a startup script at /home/pi/startup:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# run ticker in a screen
screen -dmS ticker /home/pi/bitcoin-ticker/ticker.py
  1. Add the following line to /etc/rc.local just before exit 0:
# Run startup script as user pi
su - pi /home/pi/startup
  1. Restart the Pi with sudo reboot.

After connecting (ssh pi@raspberrypi.local), you can check that the screen is running with screen -ls.
You can attach to it with screen -r and detach with ctrl+a and then d.