A proof of concept project that allows one to "infinitely" zoom in to a Minecraft block grid, inspired by this reddit post. It doesn't actually go infinitely, because of limitations of Leaflet, but it does allow you to pan and zoom out, and uses Web Workers for multithreading. I think there's potential for true infinite zoom, better styling, and less memory usage if I moved to another method of display.



  • You'll need to provide the textures yourself. They can any set of 16x16 square PNG images, and should be placed in a directory named ./block/.
  • Run npm i && node ./process.js to obtain blockData.json (this is effectively a LUT of each block's 'average' color. I might be able to achieve better performance by precalculating more things here, but each worker already caches some data)
  • Navigating to index.html should load everything. I recommend using VSCode's Live Preview extension.
    • Your VSCode instance might crash if you zoom too far in. Whoops