Ajaxify Reddit

There's currently a little known gem out on the internet called Reddit. The developers are currently swamped with new feature requests and need your help. They want to test out the Reddit website as a single page application. They have some starter code but haven't had a chance to go much further than that.


Luckily, to access the data for the homepage and other landing pages, all you have to do is append .json to the end of the normal URL.

For example:

// Homepage URL

// JSON data for the homepage
// New Post URL

// JSON data for the 'new' section


  • Replicate the list of stories for each section, with the story image, link, and any relevant information
  • Allow the user to click the story link or image to go to the actual URL of the story
  • For now, don't worry about giving users the ability to upvote or downvote the story


  • Refactor your code to be more object oriented or make use of prototypes
  • Now that we've redone the original homepage, let's now come up with our own mind blowing UI using their data
  • The call examples above only give you results for the first page. See if you can Google how to go beyond the first page of results and give them a way to navigate to other pages